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MA2 fly more on a US plane?

I've never heard of a Lipo bag but is it safe to assume I don't have to use one and that I can just leave the batteries in their slots of my Nanuk 915 case?
I don't mean to drive this into the ground but I want to make sure I don't have any issues since one of the main reasons I'm going to my destination is to get footage with the drone.

Yes. if the batteries are secure and the terminals not subject to hitting anything else, you are fine. Your setup seems to meet that criteria very well.
Yes. if the batteries are secure and the terminals not subject to hitting anything else, you are fine. Your setup seems to meet that criteria very well.
I feel much better, thanks all!!!
I've carried my Mavic & 4 batteries on international flights and internal flights within southern Africa, Indonesia and Palau in a carrying case similar to yours as well as sometimes in the webbed side pockets of the Mavic's flymore bag. In both these instances I always protect the batteries' terminals with 3d-printed plastic covers. When going scuba diving I normally take a photographer's backpack containing u/w video lights & cameras with assorted lithium ion batteries to be placed in the overhead luggage compartment, along with the Mavic, its on board battery & 2 extra batteries in its flymore bag i.e. 2 pieces of hand baggage. Thus far I have never been challenged on numerous flights as to why I'm taking 2 pieces inside the cabin. Some airlines say an additional item such as a camera is acceptable in addition to one's main cabin bag. If I were to be challenged about the flymore bag I'd state "it's a camera, just a flying camera". My fourth Mavic battery goes in the photographic bag, either in a Lipo bag or with it's terminals protected as mentioned previously.
I've never heard of a Lipo bag but is it safe to assume I don't have to use one and that I can just leave the batteries in their slots of my Nanuk 915 case?
I don't mean to drive this into the ground but I want to make sure I don't have any issues since one of the main reasons I'm going to my destination is to get footage with the drone.
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Correct that they do not require bags. However, the FAA does require that they are protected from damage and shorting by touching other metal. Not sure this is ever enforced, but is a good idea anyway. I use 3d printed caps and make sure they are packed "snugly". Here's the language:

Batteries must be protected from damage.

Battery terminals (usually the ends) must be protected from short circuit (i.e., the terminals must not come in contact with other metal). Methods include: leaving the batteries in their retail packaging, covering battery terminals with tape, using a battery case, using a battery sleeve in a camera bag, or putting them snugly in a plastic bag or protective pouch.
Tape is more than sufficient. Just have a few strips of gaffers tape inside your bag to put over them, if asked.
The TSA people wouldn't even know what they are.

Having watched a TSA employee go into a restroom and come back out wearing the same gloves, I’m not entirely sure what they *do* know.
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