Problem? Flown in same spot for 3 weeks. Used up 2 batteries on the day and landed to put fresh battery in. Everything ok and took off. Within 5 second, the screen flashe breaking now, return sticks to midpoint, then continue flying. Then Magnetic filed interference came up and the drone took off and reach 17M/S and hit a tree. It was not in sports mode and there was absolutely no control.
Was unit in a crash? Yes
What have you tried so far? Sent it to DJI Australia and have only recieved a bill to repair it, nothing about warranty or replacement. No way of contacting them to find out what caused it. I uploaded the flight data for them to check as well.
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)? Samsung S9
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? DJI Go 4
What Go app version are you using? Updated August 18th
Any modification? (if so what) 2 weeks old out of the box
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) DId an update on the Drone 2 days before and calibrated compass in a field free of interference.
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link) Attached picture
Question is, how do I get hold of the repairer to ask why I cannot get a replacement, as I believe this was a technical issue, not mine. I do not want a crashed dron back and have the same issue.
Thank-you in advance for any help.
Was unit in a crash? Yes
What have you tried so far? Sent it to DJI Australia and have only recieved a bill to repair it, nothing about warranty or replacement. No way of contacting them to find out what caused it. I uploaded the flight data for them to check as well.
What device are you using ( iphone , ipad, Samsung , etc)? Samsung S9
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? DJI Go 4
What Go app version are you using? Updated August 18th
Any modification? (if so what) 2 weeks old out of the box
Did you change anything or install any apps? (if so what) DId an update on the Drone 2 days before and calibrated compass in a field free of interference.
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? (if so post link) Attached picture
Question is, how do I get hold of the repairer to ask why I cannot get a replacement, as I believe this was a technical issue, not mine. I do not want a crashed dron back and have the same issue.
Thank-you in advance for any help.