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Manners Maketh Man


Jan 1, 2018
Sorry for the Kingsman reference for those who never saw the film, but it appears to apply. As this may be the last post I make to these unmoderated and often unreadable forums before deleting this app, let me simply say many users need to learn courtesy, manners, and remove the toxic bullying abuse from their posts. I'm sick of the high and mighty know it all ( mod removed ) that can't enter a comment without methodically putting everyone else down. Tone, language, and courtesy are the hallmark of any civilization. I am a university professor and no one can berate or abuse others in forum posts in moderated academic settings. I'm also a broadcast journalist and in a TV or radio station's online forums you will be deleted if posts become abusive. There is no freedom of speech guarantee unless you are writing on your OWN website so don't start abusing me on that score my USA readers.

Where did an entire generation go so wrong in learning how to avoid being a social butt crack? I'm done lecturing . I'm done with reading abusive manner-free posts. I'm done with know-it-all punks of any age that don't read pertinent information in a post before putting down everyone who offers useful information and spouting derisive language and meaningless knowledge that often has no connection to the original post. Life is short. These inconsiderate punks may inherit the earth but God help them for the quality of life and human associations they will never know.

A new MAVIC forum that IS moderated will be started. Offensive or bullying language WILL be deleted along with accounts of offenders. Actual assistance will be offered. Encouragement for the sport will be enthusiastic and free of abuse. Bullys beware. There are still some of us willing to stand up to you... even here.
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Sorry you feel that way. Must be very hard for you in REAL HUMAN social situations when you cant just use your title to make the offender leave the room, ignore the offender by blocking them, or just not reading what you find offensive. (like you can on ANY internet forum)
This is the way the world is. You will never find a place without differing opinions, debate, and Jerks.
I for one enjoy it as life would be pretty boring if everyone was of one mind. I agree there are MANY here that need to make sure they feel like they are the smartest people here. But You dont have to be smart to see how pitiful they must really be.
If you choose to leave, farewell If you choose to stick around, Welcome!
Sorry you feel that way. Must be very hard for you in REAL HUMAN social situations when you cant just use your title to make the offender leave the room, ignore the offender by blocking them, or just not reading what you find offensive. (like you can on ANY internet forum)
This is the way the world is. You will never find a place without differing opinions, debate, and Jerks.
I for one enjoy it as life would be pretty boring if everyone was of one mind. I agree there are MANY here that need to make sure they feel like they are the smartest people here. But You dont have to be smart to see how pitiful they must really be.
If you choose to leave, farewell If you choose to stick around, Welcome!
You completely miss the point (And make my point) that differing opinions (which I didn't mention) can and should be shared in a civil manner. I commented on the tone; not the content.
Sorry for the Kingsman reference for those who never saw the film, but it appears to apply. As this may be the last post I make to these unmoderated and often unreadable forums before deleting this app, let me simply say many users need to learn courtesy, manners, and remove the toxic bullying abuse from their posts. I'm sick of the high and mighty know it all a-holes that can't enter a comment without methodically putting everyone else down. Tone, language, and courtesy are the hallmark of any civilization. I am a university professor and no one can berate or abuse others in forum posts in moderated academic settings. I'm also a broadcast journalist and in a TV or radio station's online forums you will be deleted if posts become abusive. There is no freedom of speech guarantee unless you are writing on your OWN website so don't start abusing me on that score my USA readers.

Where did an entire generation go so wrong in learning how to avoid being a social butt crack? I'm done lecturing . I'm done with reading abusive manner-free posts. I'm done with know-it-all punks of any age that don't read pertinent information in a post before putting down everyone who offers useful information and spouting derisive language and meaningless knowledge that often has no connection to the original post. Life is short. These inconsiderate punks may inherit the earth but God help them for the quality of life and human associations they will never know.

A new MAVIC forum that IS moderated will be started. Offensive or bullying language WILL be deleted along with accounts of offenders. Actual assistance will be offered. Encouragement for the sport will be enthusiastic and free of abuse. Bullys beware. There are still some of us willing to stand up to you... even here.
there must always be respect for opinions whether their in agreement or not,its easy to detect sarcasm within posts that are meant to ''innocently'' inflame,these are the ones that feel even negative attention is better than none.
rise above it and let it roll off,you will be the better for doing so.
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I follow. I am not very good at sugar coating my responses. MY point was "civil" doesn't always exist in person to person interaction, so why would one expect it in an internet community?
There IS moderation here. Plenty of it in fact. Far more than one would expect for a mostly adult forum.
That being said, It is YOUR choice to ignore or retreat.
Note that I COMPLETELY agree with your OP. I just understand that life is full of different personalities, and a good person can thrive within them all.
[QUOTE=". Bullys beware. There are still some of us willing to stand up to you... even here.[/QUOTE]

A very good afternoon to you Sir. I humbly beg your permission to point out that the plural of bully is bullies. Sorry for feeling compelled to bring this to your attention.
What this ignores is 1) text does not usually convey tone and 2) this is the Internet

Personally, I've not seen the post that you speak of. Not really. Sure, if I read hundreds of posts I might see one that is less then desirable. But I simply skip right over it and don't give it any thought. It has no power over me. Perhaps that person was having a bad day, perhaps I did not understand their tone, perhaps they are that one in a hundred posts that I don't like.

Moderation is no easy thing. You have under moderation, where questionable posts stay and you have over-moderation where every other post is deleted and everyone leaves the forum.

As it's been explained to me, report a post if you think it does not belong here. If you don't do this, you only have yourself to blame. I'd much rather have it this way then have a moderator ban hammer in place.
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And here we have it. As the OP points out, there is an unfortunate instinct with some posters in this forum to belittle rather than engage. The post two above this one illustrates this perfectly. It offers nothing. It was obviously a typo, but the poster gleefully responded with his put-down. I daresay he snuggled his butt into his armchair as he did so, to make himself a little more comfortable as he belittled another poster.

All he’s achieved is getting himself put on the ‘ignore’ list by at least one of us.
And here we have it. As the OP points out, there is an unfortunate instinct with some posters in this forum to belittle rather than engage. The post two above this one illustrates this perfectly. It offers nothing. It was obviously a typo, but the poster gleefully responded with his put-down. I daresay he snuggled his butt into his armchair as he did so, to make himself a little more comfortable as he belittled another poster.

All he’s achieved is getting himself put on the ‘ignore’ list by at least one of us.

Kind of illustrates my point. I saw those post as nothing but humor. I just read them and went down to the next message. However, this goes along with what I mentioned about not really seeing these "problem" posts. Who knows, perhaps they are mine.
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You make a good point. This isn’t about moderation as such. Often, as with the post I pointed out above, it’s not like the post is bad enough to be deleted by a moderator. It’s about the general tone that is propagated here. That particular poster just needs to grow up. It’s getting to the point where people like me daren’t ask a question because it might lead to the usual chorus of ‘read the ******* manual”. OK. I’ll do that. I’ll rely solely on my manual and delete my account here, because there’s no point me having it if I can’t ask questions.

These ( mod removed ). These ‘experts’. Our betters. We amateurs shouldn’t be here. We’re not good enough. We should marvel at these pilots. That tone should not prevail here. We should all be prepared to help and share. And a bit less jumping on poster’s typos.
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Again, If you find some of the "experts" too annoying and condescending, you can choose NOT to see any of their posts by blocking them. Aside from their lust for ridiculing we amateurs, They often have solid input if you can sift the 'I am better than you' from the post.
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Again, If you find some of the "experts" too annoying and condescending, you can choose NOT to see any of their posts by blocking them. Aside from their lust for ridiculing we amateurs, They often have solid input if you can sift the 'I am better than you' from the post.

Of course I can choose not to see those posts. And I’m doing that more and more. That’s exactly what the OP is doing too. He’s decided to leave. I’m spending much less time here than I used to, and it will probably dwindle to zero, and I might then delete the app.
The freedom to either adapt or flee is a great thing.
There is no reason for a person to subject themselves to a place that makes them uncomfortable. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
These ***********. These ‘experts’. Our betters. We amateurs shouldn’t be here. We’re not good enough. We should marvel at these pilots. That tone should not prevail here. We should all be prepared to help and share. And a bit less jumping on poster’s typos.

Many times people here, ask the person to read the manual not so much for the answer but because the question shows that the person probably did not read the manual and trust me... it is required reading. To DJI's fault, they don't even include the full manual with their product. This does a huge disservice to the customer as drones really do require some insight to fly. DJI's marketing is to make it look like anyone can just toss one up in the air. It's their job to make it look easy. Personally, I never say RTFM but I do let people know that they should if the question is obviously right in the manual (I choose not to say "RTFM"). When I see a post that does say that (and they are few and far between), I know where they are coming from. It's less, your an idiot post and more of, PLEASE read that manual so you don't crash.
[QUOTE=". Bullys beware. There are still some of us willing to stand up to you... even here.

A very good afternoon to you Sir. I humbly beg your permission to point out that the plural of bully is bullies. Sorry for feeling compelled to bring this to your attention.[/QUOTE]

I am happy that you pointed this out only because he states he is a professor and a broadcast journalist. To be honest, there are **** heads everywhere. I personally haven't had anyone be a **** to me but seriously OP, it is your right to leave a forum, that is what the little X is on your browser. Someone talking trash? Block them. I think making a post about it just draws the attention of those that are bothering you.
Many times people here, ask the person to read the manual not so much for the answer but because the question shows that the person probably did not read the manual and trust me... it is required reading. To DJI's fault, they don't even include the full manual with their product. This does a huge disservice to the customer as drones really do require some insight to fly. DJI's marketing is to make it look like anyone can just toss one up in the air. It's their job to make it look easy. Personally, I never say RTFM but I do let people know that they should if the question is obviously right in the manual (I choose not to say "RTFM"). When I see a post that does say that (and they are few and far between), I know where they are coming from. It's less, your an idiot post and more of, PLEASE read that manual so you don't crash.

I have read the manual front to back, the one you can download from DJI's website but I still had questions on things that were in the manual. People quote things out of a manual for example, I asked a question about how much wind can the mavic handle, the manual says 22mph but I was getting warnings at 12.5mph so I asked when does it issue the warning. People quoted the 22mph from the manual but that doesn't answer the question I had.

I personally don't care one way or the other if this guy leaves because he got his feelings hurt, pointing someone to the manual is a great thing because it encourages them to read the **** thing but I also give them the answer I know about and then tell them where to find it in the manual. Additionally, we don't know the age or education level of someone or even if the manual is in their language. I just can't bring myself to say only "it's in the manual".
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I personally don't care one way or the other if this guy leaves because he got his feelings hurt...
I don’t know where it was stated that someone ‘had their feelings hurt’. Nor do I know of anyone who posts here who isn’t posting ‘personally’. It’s not helpful to paraphrase a statement incorrectly.

What the OP was clearly lamenting is the lack of manners in here. The urge to condemn and belittle seems stronger to some in here. The OP is saying this forum was s serving no purpose if it is hijacked by those who seek to condemn rather than help.
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Sorry for the Kingsman reference for those who never saw the film, but it appears to apply.

Yeah, well, “manners maketh the man” is an expression that dates back hundreds of years, not to the release of “The Kingsman.”

I hope you don’t feel bullied by me pointing that out.
you're the perfect example of people mis-reading a persons intentions,when i first joined and you helped with my issues i thought you tried to ruffle feathers but later realized it was me not understanding your persona,ruff around the edges but a teddy bear inside;)
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Dont throw the baby out with the bath water would be more apt.
Yes sometimes, just like in real life, you have to sort the wheat from the chaff on this forum, much like any forum full of people with their own minds and opinions.
Personally i find the vast majority of people on here very helpful and a mine of information.
Yes there's a few bad apples, but then you simply put them on the ignore list, its not that hard.
Hardly worth starting your own forum for, unless you want a forum of drone like yes men ;):)
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