How do I adjust the Mavic 3 controls to feel more like a Mavic 2??? The sensitivity and control of the sticks on the Mavic 3 are vastly different from the Mavic 2 Pro. I have much less fine control. The sticks are way more abrasive... A light tap fwd and it bolts. There's no slow, smooth acceleration to the movement. Not in Standard, not in Cine, not in any mode. Nothing, nothing, nothing, BAM!!! I've tried to smooth the curves out somewhat in the controller sensitivity settings, and after some trial and error, I have found 0.38 on each axis is kind of what I'm looking for - I can feather the sticks for a more gentle response, no sudden bolting - but it's still nowhere near as smooth as what I'm used to with M2P. Does anyone know which sensitivity values will make the M3P feel like the M2P? Thanks so very much.. |