P much correct. As I said in that thread there are new 500m altitude zones everywhere. You may notice that these are all 50km radius circular zones around major airports. Thus, if you are stationed at least 50km away from a major airport, you will be able to fly to 1000m without any special unlocking procedure.
Within the altitude zones, you can specially request to get permission to fly above 500m to 1000m from DJI (just like with the other zones). I am quite confident in saying that getting a 500m altitude zone unlock from DJI would be quite difficult.
There are always
lower Altitude Zones within those 500m 50km radius zones, coming off the bowtie flight lines of the airport, and the new gray 500m gray overlay now hides the
entire map behind it, for a mountain climbing feature that would only ever be relevant more than 50km away! Dumb implementation!
That current dumb implementation alone would be justification for getting a 500m unlock so you can see and use the map, and locate the lower Altitude Zones and the Blue Authorization Zone around the airport(s)!
Instead of creating an obstructing gray default layer of 500m, DJI could have simply added a 1000m layer wherever it exists for mountain climbing, away from the urban areas around airports, where you need to clearly see all the map details of all layers.
Alternatively, if the user leaves the maximum altitude to the
default of 500m,
maybe the gray 50km overlay around airports becomes completely clear and transparent like before!
I only noticed the obstructing gray 500m Altitude Limit on the map when I upped the max Altitude to 1000m the Max Altitude slider, after updating to .1000. Maybe DJI is smarter than I thought, and I am the dumb one! Need to boot up again and see!
Maybe the best solution, instead of completely turning off the Altitude Layer, is to
not increase the max altitude above 500m, until you are at least 50km away from the nearest airport!
Documentation accompanying the new 1000m altitude feature would certainly help!