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Mavic 3 Pro won't fly but Mavic 3 Classic will


Apr 10, 2023
PLymouth UK

I wonder if anyone can help? I am flying in the UK. I mainly do real estate so barely fly above the telephone wires.

I bought a Mavic 3 Pro two weeks ago. It won't let me fly in a Geo fenced area without an Unlock procedure.

But, my Mavic 3 Classic will let me fly from exactly the same place if I check the box on the Fly App that asks me to take full responsibility etc.

It does not require an Unlock procedure.

Why would the drones behave in such different ways?

Welcome to the forum from NW Montana
is it possible the weight difference is the issue? the Mavic 3 Pro is over 900 grams and the Classic is not. i believe thats an issue in the UK.
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He posted in the wrong place. The thread moved to the correct location.
Will be interesting to see the reason for the difference.

Maybe the OP will try updating both and see if they behave differently.

I wonder if anyone can help? I am flying in the UK. I mainly do real estate so barely fly above the telephone wires.

I bought a Mavic 3 Pro two weeks ago. It won't let me fly in a Geo fenced area without an Unlock procedure.

But, my Mavic 3 Classic will let me fly from exactly the same place if I check the box on the Fly App that asks me to take full responsibility etc.

It does not require an Unlock procedure.

Why would the drones behave in such different ways?

Mavic 3 Classic was released November 2, 2022.
Mavic 3 Pro was released April 22, 2023.
Between those two dates, the area in question must have changed from a DJI self authorizing Warning Zone to a DJI Blue Authorization Zone. If you update the NFZ database on the Mavic 3 Classic, it will lock you out as well! Try it and see. LOL! Or, just leave it alone, and enjoy your newly understood freedom!

The DJI GEO zones are completely independent of local flight laws and regulations, and the local flight laws and regulations are the only legal ones that you must comply with, instead of China's edicts! DJI allowing you to fly doesn't necessarily make it legal, and DJI's required unlocks are not necessarily in prohibited airspace, nor does unlocking them necessarily make it legal for you to fly there.
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Welcome to the forum from the beautiful woods of Maine USA!
Welcome to the forum from Chicago the Windy City.

I wonder if anyone can help? I am flying in the UK. I mainly do real estate so barely fly above the telephone wires.

I bought a Mavic 3 Pro two weeks ago. It won't let me fly in a Geo fenced area without an Unlock procedure.

But, my Mavic 3 Classic will let me fly from exactly the same place if I check the box on the Fly App that asks me to take full responsibility etc.

It does not require an Unlock procedure.

Why would the drones behave in such different ways?

Could you post the location you were trying to fly in so we can take a look?
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