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Mavic Calibration Videos/Links


Oct 22, 2016
Hi everyone! Wondering anyone could post links/videos detailing which parts need to be calibrated and how. Does calibration need to happen every single time you take it out for a flight? Thanks!!! First time drone flyer here, so apologies if this is a silly questions.
Here are the available calibrations:
You can read more about the calibrations in the Mavic manual.

The DJI GO app will sometimes prompt you to perform certain calibrations. Here are some other times when calibrations should be performed:
  • After unboxing your Mavic, calibrate the:
    • compass
    • IMU (optional, but recommended)

  • After installing new firmware, calibrate the:
    • compass
    • IMU (optional, but recommended)
    • remote controller (optional, but recommended)

  • After a bad crash, calibrate the:
    • IMU (optional, but recommended)

  • If the camera/horizon is not level, calibrate the:
    • gimbal
Note: There is some kind of issue involving the remote controller calibration in DJI GO. It doesn't seem to affect everyone, but it's causing the remote controller to become unusable for some. For now, I'd recommend you do not attempt to calibrate the remote controller unless the DJI GO app is prompting you to do so.
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thanks!! Yes been hearing issues with the remote for some. Ok, so I'll not calibrate the remote for now.
Here are the available calibrations:

The DJI GO app will sometimes prompt you to perform certain calibrations. Here are some other times when calibrations should be performed:
  • After unboxing your Mavic, calibrate the:
    • compass
    • IMU
Is there conflicting advice regarding out if the box IMU calibrations?? I may be mistaken but it seems to me that I've read somewhere in this forum that very precise IMU calibrations are done at the factory and that IMU cal should not be done unless prompted for. I'm not arguing or suggesting anything other than there may be conflicting advice out there which may cause some confusion or possibly some issues
People will often post conflicting information in forums like these. I like to post best practices for DJI aircraft. If you don't agree with them, then feel free to follow the practices you feel are best for your aircraft.
People will often post conflicting information in forums like these. I like to post best practices for DJI aircraft. If you don't agree with them, then feel free to follow the practices you feel are best for your aircraft.

I appreciate your posts and advice and am certainly not arguing or disagreeing with you. I was just asking if there is differing views by experts like you on this subject or if what I read was just one guy's opinion.
when would the vision sensors need to be calibrated? (does vision sensor calibration = gimbal calibration?)
Hi everyone! Wondering anyone could post links/videos detailing which parts need to be calibrated and how. Does calibration need to happen every single time you take it out for a flight? Thanks!!! First time drone flyer here, so apologies if this is a silly questions.
Compass only needs to be done once unless the app prompts you too. And the rest only once after a firmware update.
In other words..READ THE MANUAL. There is a lot of information being tossed around on the net. Best advice is to read the manual that was written by people who built the Mavic.
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