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Mavic mini stuck in tree?

Jul 16, 2020
Reading, PA
Well, it’s been over a week now since I’ve “misplaced” my Mavic mini. I was out early in July 4th and got a little too comfortable with my new mini. I ended up flying it into a 100ft tree that over hangs the Railroad tracks . The foliage is so thick and I haven’t laid eyes on it yet.

I have already enlisted the help of and arborist. We went up the tree where it says the last GPS coordinates an no luck. So after paying him and the time I’ve spent looking for the mini, I’m growing obsessive and angry. How frustrating it is to go out every day and hope the wind blows it out of the tree.

I welcome any advice before I throw in the towel. I use the DJI Fly app so I don’t know if i can post the flight records. My questions are could the”find my drone” GPS coordinates be wrong and how close are they? Could they be off by many feet?
The flight records show that the drone hit the tree lowered to 7.5 feet and then ended up resting on a branch at 12 feet high. How does it calculate how high it is off the ground from where you took off at the “home point” location or from truly how high it is from the ground? Knowing this when help me determine how high to look in the tree and foliage.

Again, I welcome any advice or assistance.

Thank you in advance.
- frustrated
From your phone you want the relevant .txt file from the folder "FlightRecord" and, from the folder "MCDatFlightRecords" within "FlightRecords", the relevant .DAT file. If you post them here people will most likely play with them
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Hopefully it hasn't fallen out of the tree into a passing coal car on a freight train.
On a serious note - Welcome to the forums - a lot of good info here. Also, the search function (magnifying glass icon upper right) is a great way to find answers to many of the questions a "newbie" will have. We were all "newbies" at one point.
Hopefully someone can give you some good advice
Hopefully it hasn't fallen out of the tree into a passing coal car on a freight train.
On a serious note - Welcome to the forums - a lot of good info here. Also, the search function (magnifying glass icon upper right) is a great way to find answers to many of the questions a "newbie" will have. We were all "newbies" at one point.
Hopefully someone can give you some good advice
I agree, i would assume that it has fallen and been picked up...
From your phone you want the relevant .txt file from the folder "FlightRecord" and, from the folder "MCDatFlightRecords" within "FlightRecords", the relevant .DAT file. If you post them here people will most likely play with them


  • DJIFlightRecord_2020-07-04_[11-28-06].txt
    1.4 MB · Views: 17

It certainly crashed into the trees on the south side of the tracks, and the motors were shut down due to obstruction and the aircraft ending up upside down. It was stationary at the end, at a height of 45 ft above the railway tracks, although that doesn't mean that it cannot subsequently have fallen further.


Wow, thank you! That’s the spot! I’m amazed by the detail of your mapping. Now, I just have to get a visual on the little guy! I’ll be out there again tomorrow!
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Take photo's with a DSLR/ zoom lens and then zoom in on a monitor, you might be able to see it
That’s a good idea. The highway bridge is right there, but there is no shoulder to park, but could snap a few shots and “Waldo” it from there. Thanks
On a more serious note, a friend with a drone could tow a fishing line over the top of the tree. Grab both ends of the line and shake the tree until it falls. Others here have pointed out that the damage occurs when it hits the ground so plan for that in advance of shaking the tree with a method of catching it. Or you could send a cat up in the tree, then call the fire department to have them rescue the cat and your drone.Gas_Chainsaw.jpg
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