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Mavic Pro 3...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
Not looking for rumoured specs, (Just going to assume it's above the Air2s and 2Pro). Just your best guess on a release month. Preferably based on leaks/info, but I'll take smart peoples opinions.

My Air 2 is getting replaced, and want to see if I can hold out for 3Pro or have to settle for the Air2S.

It's gotta be close, and I'm tired of jumping the gun and ending up with inferior ****.
Not looking for rumoured specs, (Just going to assume it's above the Air2s and 2Pro). Just your best guess on a release month. Preferably based on leaks/info, but I'll take smart peoples opinions.

My Air 2 is getting replaced, and want to see if I can hold out for 3Pro or have to settle for the Air2S.

It's gotta be close, and I'm tired of jumping the gun and ending up with inferior ****.
You don't wan't rumors, but even the leaked info is a rumor. However, the best guess I have read from legitimate sources has been OCTOBER, November or December. October seems to be the most quoted month. But if DJI's final testing does not meet their high quality standards. You never know. It seems, just about everyone, even a few of those that work in DJI say the powers that be are shooting for October.
Haha, sorry if that was unclear. :) I just meant that I'm less concerned if it's 8K or 360 degree sensors. (Just gonna trust that it's the one I've been waiting for, OR... that it won't justify the extra cost and I won't regret an Air 2S. :) )

But fingers crossed for October. I can wait that long. I'll be struggling if it isn't announced by December.
If they're coming out with it this year my best guess would be before Xmas. The Mini 2, if I recall was released last November.

The surprising thing about the Mini 2 was the availability in the stores at the announcement for immediate sale and delivery. I could see getting a DJI 3... but I'm still looking hard at Autel for 6k or 8k. I've had too much aggravation with DJI's geofencing. I don't even want to think about DJI's implementation of RID. I wonder how Autel is going to handle that?
If they're coming out with it this year my best guess would be before Xmas. The Mini 2, if I recall was released last November.

The surprising thing about the Mini 2 was the availability in the stores at the announcement for immediate sale and delivery. I could see getting a DJI 3... but I'm still looking hard at Autel for 6k or 8k. I've had too much aggravation with DJI's geofencing. I don't even want to think about DJI's implementation of RID. I wonder how Autel is going to handle that?
My friends company made sure they had their bases covered. It has DJI drones, but they bought 3 Autel2s in case they had any issue with geofencing. They often take one with them just in case.
I’m not going to speculate on what DJI will do, but if I were on the C-Suite I would not release a new flagship Mavic until Remote ID specs are nailed down. The folks (ok, at least some of us folks) looking to spend $2k or so on a drone are going to be reluctant to do that if they aren’t assured it will be compliant (in my opinion, at least). Granted, lots of people more knowledgeable than I think it’s likely that recent DJI products will be compliant without a module, and I hope that’s true, but who knows for sure? And sure, lots of folks not following this issue will buy them, but there are a significant number of us who would be dissuaded.

What I’d do (if I were hypothetically running DJI) is release an interim model. A M2Z with more zoom, or maybe an interchangeable lens model. Or even an M2PZ. Better battery life or something. Occusync 3. Just something to hold people over that doesn’t require a lot of R&D cost. Just look at the Nintendo model: everyone was clambering for a new Switch with better graphics, and they just announced one with a better screen but basically the same (no better graphics or processing, just a slightly bigger, and OLED, screen). They know they need to wait a while before a generational upgrade, but they’ll make a fortune off this minor upgrade.

That said, my wishlist for the next MP is: 4K60, and higher would be nice (not because anyone would ever need those resolutions but for editing purposes); a bigger sensor; a downward facing camera to constantly show what you’re over, independent of the main camera.

There is talk of better OA, like Skydio, and that’s fair to a point, but really, most of us flying M2Ps, at least the non-rich kids whose dads bought them an expensive toy, aren’t worried about flying into things (I know there are exceptions and I love watching the videos).
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Just your best guess on a release month. Preferably based on leaks/info, but I'll take smart peoples opinions.
No-one has any idea and the rumours, "leaks" and smart peoples opinions are just uninformed speculation.
No-one is likely to have any idea until just a few weeks before it happens.
I’m not going to speculate on what DJI will do, but if I were on the C-Suite I would not release a new flagship Mavic until Remote ID specs are nailed down.
Maybe. Maybe not. I know that my Mini 2 has an RID option that can conceivably be switched on right now. I'm not sure how that functions nor am I interested in finding out right now. We know that the FAA is going to require drone and station positioning. And with those requirements I suspect they are leaving much of that up to the manufacturers. My guess is that the engineers at DJI are already building in a system that could cover a lot of scenarios. Or, they may release the DJI Pro 3 with what they know now, then have a plan to retrofit RID, possibly with or without a profit scheme in place for the upgrade, then distribute a Pro3s. Nobody knows except the inner circle at DJI in China.

But getting back to Autel for a moment. We know that current Autel drones have neither RID nor geofencing. We can assume that when the time comes DJI will "brick" any DJI drone that doesn't have RID turned on via a modification of their geofencing technology already in place. Current Autel models don't have geofencing technology. Personally, I see RID as proposed as putting a target on my back as I fly (with both hands occupied making me defenseless) and I'm not so keen to have it even though it's required. I pretty much have always obeyed the laws, rules and regulations, but I think the FAA has gone down the rabbit hole and will bring about some unintended consequences that won't go well for law abiding, rule following pilots. Autel is already capable of 6k and 8k, though the handling isn't what a DJI drone is. Just thinking out loud... and JMO
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No-one has any idea and the rumours, "leaks" and smart peoples opinions are just uninformed speculation.
No-one is likely to have any idea until just a few weeks before it happens.
Leaks, rumors and "smart people's" opinions are why many speculate in the stock market. Rumor and leaks are a type of information. Let's make a money pool ! Who thinks October?, November?, December?, or 2022? Place your bets !
Leaks, rumors and "smart people's" opinions are why many speculate in the stock market. Rumor and leaks are a type of information. Let's make a money pool ! Who thinks October?, November?, December?, or 2022? Place your bets !
We can assume that when the time comes DJI will "brick" any DJI drone that doesn't have RID turned on via a modification of their geofencing technology already in place.
You can assume all kinds of things, but that doesn't mean they will happen.
The O.P. was simply asking about a release date. Just about all those "people's" or "peep holes" ? who are quote "insiders" have suggested Octoberish. Get your Green beer ready! I don't think they are going to wait for R-ID to be nailed down though. It's been said, that DJI has asked reatailers to finalize orders for mavic 2s this year. Is that a Rumor? I'm seriously asking, yes or no?.
So Another DJI drone is supposedly coming out to replace the Mav2 series. Your post looks like your upset. I hope your not. This thread is just meant to be speculative. I guess we'll all find out if we've been recieving disinformation by the end of this year. By the way, DJI isn't on the stock market.
You can assume all kinds of things, but that doesn't mean they will happen.
True, and I don't think DJI would go such extremes to brick their older drones. I doubt the older drones DJI makes or any drone manufacturer will have the ability to detect if it has been equipped with an aftermarket R-ID system. Hey guys, off the top of your heads, does anyone know the deadline for R-ID to be implemented in newly manufactured drones? Never mind, I just looked it up -- Drone manufacturers are required to be RID compliant by Sept. 16, 2022 and in operation on Sept. 16, 2023.
The O.P. was simply asking about a release date. Just about all those "people's" or "peep holes" ? who are quote "insiders" have suggested Octoberish. Get your Green beer ready! I don't think they are going to wait for R-ID to be nailed down though. It's been said, that DJI has asked reatailers to finalize orders for mavic 2s this year. Is that a Rumor? I'm seriously asking, yes or no?.
So Another DJI drone is supposedly coming out to replace the Mav2 series. Your post looks like your upset. I hope your not. This thread is just meant to be speculative. I guess we'll all find out if we've been recieving disinformation by the end of this year. By the way, DJI isn't on the stock market.
I agree that I don't think DJI will wait for any sort of RID and I suspect will be building in contingencies for anything new they introduce. The tell is that the Mini 2 already has an RID on/off switch.

As far as being "upset"... I wouldn't say that entirely. I'm upset with the way FAA is stating they will implement RID allowing the location of the UAV pilots to be available to the public. Mark my words, after RID is implemented you will see an increase in stories of "drone rage" incidents where pilots are confronted by enraged folks who used software to track them down to harass them. Aside from that, from a Part 107 pilot/commercial photographer's point of view I am continue to be concerned about DJI's geofencing which has proven to be an issue for me and major pain in the posterior on several occasions.
I agree that I don't think DJI will wait for any sort of RID and I suspect will be building in contingencies for anything new they introduce. The tell is that the Mini 2 already has an RID on/off switch.

As far as being "upset"... I wouldn't say that entirely. I'm upset with the way FAA is stating they will implement RID allowing the location of the UAV pilots to be available to the public. Mark my words, after RID is implemented you will see an increase in stories of "drone rage" incidents where pilots are confronted by enraged folks who used software to track them down to harass them. Aside from that, from a Part 107 pilot/commercial photographer's point of view I am continue to be concerned about DJI's geofencing which has proven to be an issue for me and major pain in the posterior on several occasions.
I didn't know that the MINI 2 HAS a RID on off switch. Is that true???

I'm also concerned about the same things you are. Drone Rage and DJI's continued GEOfencing.
Also of concern, If a thief or a terrorist wanna be , wants a nice super expensive heavy drone, he'll know where to find the opertor and steal it and then use it for illegal activities. And also, simple drone rage is going to increase. The FAA put locks on cockpit doors for a reason, But RID is essentialy unlocking the doors relative to drone pilots. I don't like DJIs altitude restriction either, especially when flying up a mounain side that is over their arbitrary 1600 ft altitude limit. Autel gives a generous 2600ft.

Well, we will all have an excuse if a cop comes knocking on our door asking if we were the ones flying a particular drone. Just say you want to file police report for a stolen drone. We can tell the officer that a thief found us and stole the drone, just as the police found us. It must have been RID. IT'S RID RAGE!
I agree that I don't think DJI will wait for any sort of RID and I suspect will be building in contingencies for anything new they introduce. The tell is that the Mini 2 already has an RID on/off switch.
Mavics have had this option for years, long before the government’s Remote ID mandate was published, so the fact that the Mini 2 has it (so does my 3-year-old Mavic Air) doesn’t really tell us anything. That is DJI’s own ID scheme, not something intended to be compliant with ”real” Remote ID. That’s not to say it couldn’t be modified for federal compliance through an update (I hope it can) but we don’t know right now.
Complete speculation mode engaged.

The M3P is going to be a flagship and feature rich drone that a smaller number of consumers are drawn to for it's premium features. We can all guess what they'll be but they really don't matter. What does is WHO is going to buy it and why. This isn't going under the Christmas tree. This is going in the higher end consumers and pro market and for that reason, I doubt this year is going to happen.

Drone work, at least for me, slows down in the winter months in NA. Profits are there but it's a little thinner and I would be less likely to jump on the M3P train at that time. All that said, I'm sitting on capital to buy 2 assuming a $3K price because my M2P is getting well worn in. But for the average pro-sumer level buyer, they have other things to consider at Christmas.

CES is early in the 2022 year (January 7-10th). Global stage. Lots of media. If I were DJI, I'd do a pre-CES announcement and release at, or just before CES.

If they're bringing the new world class, peerless pro model drone that shoots 8K 30 FPS, 60MP stills with more AI than a Terminator movie, there is no better place to throw down the gauntlet and reassert themselves as the biggest, baddest drone builder in the word.

As someone above points our, if RID is sorted they can claim they're compliant and safe even before the FAA requires it as yet another selling feature. They release at CES and then throw the, "Shipping in 4 weeks! Get your pre-orders in now!" That means we have a limited number of units early February, the early adopters and influencers get theirs and do all the videos, reviews, etc, so that the market can get into a Frenzy by end of February and everyone is buying in early March so they can fly in the spring. The working pros start to get more jobs in the Spring, the higher level hobby fliers are starting to see better weather. All motivators to buy the M3P.

That's what would make sense to me but.. meh.. who knows.
Complete speculation mode engaged.

The M3P is going to be a flagship and feature rich drone that a smaller number of consumers are drawn to for it's premium features. We can all guess what they'll be but they really don't matter. What does is WHO is going to buy it and why. This isn't going under the Christmas tree. This is going in the higher end consumers and pro market and for that reason, I doubt this year is going to happen.

Drone work, at least for me, slows down in the winter months in NA. Profits are there but it's a little thinner and I would be less likely to jump on the M3P train at that time. All that said, I'm sitting on capital to buy 2 assuming a $3K price because my M2P is getting well worn in. But for the average pro-sumer level buyer, they have other things to consider at Christmas.

CES is early in the 2022 year (January 7-10th). Global stage. Lots of media. If I were DJI, I'd do a pre-CES announcement and release at, or just before CES.

If they're bringing the new world class, peerless pro model drone that shoots 8K 30 FPS, 60MP stills with more AI than a Terminator movie, there is no better place to throw down the gauntlet and reassert themselves as the biggest, baddest drone builder in the word.

As someone above points our, if RID is sorted they can claim they're compliant and safe even before the FAA requires it as yet another selling feature. They release at CES and then throw the, "Shipping in 4 weeks! Get your pre-orders in now!" That means we have a limited number of units early February, the early adopters and influencers get theirs and do all the videos, reviews, etc, so that the market can get into a Frenzy by end of February and everyone is buying in early March so they can fly in the spring. The working pros start to get more jobs in the Spring, the higher level hobby fliers are starting to see better weather. All motivators to buy the M3P.

That's what would make sense to me but.. meh.. who knows.
Here is something interesting you all might want to know. Several, but not a lot of DJI certified retailers have been offering pre-purchasing of DJI MAVIC 3s. Maybe the retailers are just grasping at straws. I don't know. I guess it's their right to take pre-orders even though the Octoberish release date is only speculation. COMMON OCTOBER !. I'll cross my fingers. It doesn't matter to me anyway, it's not like I have enough liquid cash laying around anyway.
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