Yesterday morning 2017-01-07 around 09:15 my Mavic crashed.
Here a link with the logfile from this flight. (293 MB)
Dropbox - DJI_ASSISTANT_EXPORT_FILE_2017-01-08_19-45-02.DAT
I can replay this flight on my DJI Go4 app, but I want a better understanding of the cause. I was 30 m from the homepoint.
I climbed from 39 m to 70 and to 110 m and got a warning and it started drifting. It drifted away, descended and crashed through some trees on to the ground.
Could someone do me a favour and analyze this log file.
Yesterday morning 2017-01-07 around 09:15 my Mavic crashed.
Here a link with the logfile from this flight. (293 MB)
Dropbox - DJI_ASSISTANT_EXPORT_FILE_2017-01-08_19-45-02.DAT
I can replay this flight on my DJI Go4 app, but I want a better understanding of the cause. I was 30 m from the homepoint.
I climbed from 39 m to 70 and to 110 m and got a warning and it started drifting. It drifted away, descended and crashed through some trees on to the ground.
Could someone do me a favour and analyze this log file.