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Mavic Pro Refund button on DJI website


Oct 26, 2016
There is now an option to refund your drone on the DJI website. I am reading that as another delay in the process and have cancelled my drone that was 55 days behind schedule. Perhaps I'll purchase at price drop in q2 of 2017... Now onto the Phantom 4 Pro! Super disappointed in you DJI!

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If I don't get word by Dec 15th that mine is being shipped. I believe I'll cancel as well. The price may be reduced or V.2 will be introduced by Feb/Mar. I see DJI has a "Black Friday" special for a week that gives people a free gift if ordered during this time. How about us schmucks who ordered some time ago, still waiting without any ETA and don't even get a thanks for the initial support of the product.
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If I don't get word by Dec 15th that mine is being shipped. I believe I'll cancel as well. The price may be reduced or V.2 will be introduced by Feb/Mar. I see DJI has a "Black Friday" special for a week that gives people a free gift if ordered during this time. How about us schmucks who ordered some time ago, still waiting without any ETA and don't even get a thanks for the initial support of the product.
Tell me about it brotha
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If I don't get word by Dec 15th that mine is being shipped. I believe I'll cancel as well. The price may be reduced or V.2 will be introduced by Feb/Mar. I see DJI has a "Black Friday" special for a week that gives people a free gift if ordered during this time. How about us schmucks who ordered some time ago, still waiting without any ETA and don't even get a thanks for the initial support of the product.

Their Black Friday deals made me laugh not so much that they weren't particularly very good but the fact they must be using the same computer system to select who gets a gift set as they do to ship Mavics

"We will be sending out 700 secret gift sets to randomly selected customers who made their purchase at the DJI Online Store" :D
Don't anticipate a price drop on the Mavic. If you think about it, the price point right now is probably lower than the value you get for the money thus the massive run on sales. In reality, I bet 100% of the people that ordered would have paid $ 200 bucks MORE for this toy. Functionality and portability are unmatched. It is a game changer that nothing can touch for the unique value it provides. I just noticed the CANCEL button now as they are probably SWAMPED with people cancelling as many of us around here have a few pokers in the fire.

I ordered 10/8 from, Nov 23 from and today from shows nothing for anticipated delivery even though the stats are showing that units up to about October 2nd have shipped, Newegg says December 30th and says Jan 30th. I am in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton all in one week the week after next and will do a drop in at each city while passing through to see if there is anything magical happening. Apparently the apple store in YVR is getting them fairly regularly and West Edmonton Mall has had them.

Bottom line, the pipeline is flowing. Worse case I end up with three and I will probably be the ONLY person reselling them for exactly what it cost me.

Lets see ! At this point, I am more fascinated and curious by the operation of their supply chain than anything.
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It occurred to me that DJI likely put the REFUND button on the site because they want to encourage those that can now just walk in and buy it locally to do so. Frees up their supply chain a bit to deliver to other channels. Why would they suddenly make it easy when, to date, it has been so hard ( and evidenced here that they shipped even when someone cancelled ) due to lack of organization. It was a good move because many will use the option as their orders come in locally
It occurred to me that DJI likely put the REFUND button on the site because they want to encourage those that can now just walk in and buy it locally to do so. Frees up their supply chain a bit to deliver to other channels. Why would they suddenly make it easy when, to date, it has been so hard ( and evidenced here that they shipped even when someone cancelled ) due to lack of organization. It was a good move because many will use the option as their orders come in locally

when you are totally overloaded and know you are unable to supply getting some folks to cancel is in your own interest.. making the cancellation process easy (automated) would be par for the course..

Don't anticipate a price drop on the Mavic. If you think about it, the price point right now is probably lower than the value you get for the money thus the massive run on sales. In reality, I bet 100% of the people that ordered would have paid $ 200 bucks MORE for this toy. Functionality and portability are unmatched. It is a game changer that nothing can touch for the unique value it provides. I just noticed the CANCEL button now as they are probably SWAMPED with people cancelling as many of us around here have a few pokers in the fire.

I ordered 10/8 from, Nov 23 from and today from shows nothing for anticipated delivery even though the stats are showing that units up to about October 2nd have shipped, Newegg says December 30th and says Jan 30th. I am in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton all in one week the week after next and will do a drop in at each city while passing through to see if there is anything magical happening. Apparently the apple store in YVR is getting them fairly regularly and West Edmonton Mall has had them.

Bottom line, the pipeline is flowing. Worse case I end up with three and I will probably be the ONLY person reselling them for exactly what it cost me.

Lets see ! At this point, I am more fascinated and curious by the operation of their supply chain than anything.
Historically speaking DJI has always lowered the prices of their products. 4 months from now the Mavic craze will be mostly forgotten and the likelihood of a Phantom 5 will be at the yearly renewal point. As things are moving quickly, I'd circle June 2017 for a $100 price drop on the Mavic.
Historically speaking DJI has always lowered the prices of their products. 4 months from now the Mavic craze will be mostly forgotten and the likelihood of a Phantom 5 will be at the yearly renewal point. As things are moving quickly, I'd circle June 2017 for a $100 price drop on the Mavic.

I'm with you on the $100 - but 4 months from now DJI will likely either barely - or not even - have caught up. For most of us there is little shooting during winter and Spring becomes a big buying season.

Heck, we are 19 months in on the Phantom 3 Pro and they are still selling to beat the band (although for less money). At some point soon the market of those crazies who buy every new machine as soon as it hits the street is going to run out and the market will be more utilitarian.

Example - a local guy who I just showed my birds to is a serious drone guy. But he was still flying his P2V+ until last week when he bought a P4P. I assume he will keep that P4P as long or longer than he did the P2.

You can look at everything from ipads to laptops and even smart phones and see the same basic curve. Once a machine is "more than good enough" the party tends to mellow out. Many of these new Mavic buyers are first timers and "diy holdouts" finally lured in. But I don't see them buying every new model that hits the streets. Neither does DJI or the CES (CTA) who both anticipate a slowdown after 2017.
I'm with you on the $100 - but 4 months from now DJI will likely either barely - or not even - have caught up. For most of us there is little shooting during winter and Spring becomes a big buying season.

Heck, we are 19 months in on the Phantom 3 Pro and they are still selling to beat the band (although for less money). At some point soon the market of those crazies who buy every new machine as soon as it hits the street is going to run out and the market will be more utilitarian.

Example - a local guy who I just showed my birds to is a serious drone guy. But he was still flying his P2V+ until last week when he bought a P4P. I assume he will keep that P4P as long or longer than he did the P2.

You can look at everything from ipads to laptops and even smart phones and see the same basic curve. Once a machine is "more than good enough" the party tends to mellow out. Many of these new Mavic buyers are first timers and "diy holdouts" finally lured in. But I don't see them buying every new model that hits the streets. Neither does DJI or the CES (CTA) who both anticipate a slowdown after 2017.
True, true...along these lines I have no plans of purchasing new devices for a couple years having purchased a P3A and I1. I was not overly impressed with the P4 as Sport mode is a battery drainer and normal flight is 5mph faster than the P3 so that only leaves the compact design of the Mavic as a motivator. Inspire 2, well that's a whole different story. DJI recruitment on the Mavic is astonishing.
I ordered my Mavic on October 3. It arrived (Southeast USA) on December 1 via FedEx, shipped directly from China.

I'm generally pleased. I've had a P3P for 19 months. By comparison, the Mavic's design, weight, size, and form factor are amazing.

Most of the settings and flying attributes are very similar to the Phantom, so no surprises or problems. For it's light weight and folding design, it's very stable in the air!

The camera is good, too, though the RAW format seems to overexpose slightly, but I'll recheck all the settings. As a quick fix, I've been compensating by lowering the EV.

It's worth waiting for!
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