HA... that's a good plan.. Lose weight and get fun gadgets.....The thread title asks if they are that different.
In a broad, very general sense, no. They are both drones that fly and take videos and pictures. If you compare a P3 and a Mavic and an iPhone, then the first two are basically identical and the iPhone is completely different.
In a more specific sense, yes. Among recreational drones, they are very different machines. And you cannot just take range and size out of the equation. Those are critical components of making the Mavic a super sweet machine. If anything, I would take the price out of the equation. In the US, the P3 is about $500 and the Mavic is about $1000. If I only had $500, thus my option was either P3 or nothing, then I would choose nothing. If I wanted a drone badly enough, then I would eat uber-cheap for 2 months ($1/day on food instead of $10/day on food). At the end of 2 months, I would have saved an additional $500, PLUS lost some much needed weight, and I'd have a Mavic.
You're right of course; the thread title was to push a bit of discussion because you do have beginners and people that simply can't afford pr can't risk £$1,000 on a Mavic, so I simply wanted to nail exactly what the differences are. I think I'm pretty clear in the video about the Mavic's many advantages... SIze and portability was key for me; range not so... After Dover I'm still a bit reluctant to get much more than 500 - 600 yards away
