Subscribed! Can you give us more detail on the strapping system you used for the noodles? Also how did you shave down the noodle to 2.5 from 3"? I'd like to see a water bottle float in action as well seems like a good idea.
I purchased 3 cylders @ 2" 2.5" and 3". So I did not have to resize each.
The strap is Velcro and it loop under the strut at the mid section. Then up and over itself to attach. The mid strut has two strips that go into the groves between the two sensors. This lock it from forward and horizontal movement. The back strut fits snug behind the rear landing skids.
Expanded closed cell poly is very light weight and would think compare with the weight of a water bottle.
I reason think a water bottle would be less of a option are as follows:
Rigidity: sticking these in your packpack would damage them.
Attachment, how can you run your struts and attach them to the bottles.
Two things I think are key. Weight and attachment. A sloppy fit and you will have movement in flight effecting performance and telemetry. The "pool noodle" is shapable in that in can be cut to conform to the mavic.
I did make two 2" cylders that fit over the front landing gear. This I think would solve the issue with the floats center of mass not lining up with the mavic center of mass. In order to ensure the pool noodles never get in camera view they are offset. As of now the mavic will be nose heavy in water. Concerns with the polyethylene cylders on the front landing gear would be effects on the antenna's in their and if they would get in the way.