HD3 fatsharks worked fine, to a limit of what they can do. at least there were no obvious issues like wrong sync, totally off colors, etc. it is what it is for a 720p feed.
Now i wish i bought HDO, that would probably be a way better, but, it still works and image is clear. i think with time i will get used to the screen again for flying, but, in goggles it all is way better.
last annoyance - this controller does not fit into a fly more bag if it has 2 batteries on the bottom in there. that, actually, sucks quite bad. need to think now how to move it, as i like that bag very much.
hmm. it actually does fit, if pushed in at the angle and 'suppressed' (c) alice in wonderland- but this way its screen presses into the drone a bit. hmm. greedy dji even did not include a cloth sock for this remote to be in, but, i should have something similar to protect the screen
Works for me with the flap out of the way and 2 batteries sideways at the bottom. Just fits at the top so you can zip it up.