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Mini 2 files won't read on one computer but do on another. New issue. What can be the issue?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Democratic Peoples Republic of Crook County
I wanted to see how a Litchi automatic mission would look on my Mini 2 compared to my M2P. I programmed the mission on the computer and ran it on both drones. I usually use my Aliengear desktop to do the editing and have had no issues until two days ago.

I transferred files from both drones (on different cards, of course) to my desktop. the M2P files read fine but the Mini 2 files would not play and when I tried to open them all I got was a black screen. I was perplexed. I have a fairly heavy duty laptop that I bought for editing and when I tried transferring and playing those same files on the HP Elite laptop, they all played fine.

Perhaps the card was corrupted, I thought, so after backing up the files on the card, I formatted it and ran the mission again. Same deal. Black on the desktop and fine on the laptop. I have to conclude that the files are fine and there is something going on with my desktop that had not occurred before. I have transferred and edited many Mini 2 files on that computer without any issues. Now what?

Any ideas?????
There was definitely something amiss with this computer. I did the first thing that came to minds and restored to an earlier point. I think this cleared up this issue. So strange. Why would it read the MP.4's from the Mavic and not the Mini??? If the problem or anything else returns I'll call Dell. While a bit costly the extended tech support has been worth it. Fortunately I don't think I need them this time.
Perhaps the card was corrupted
If the file plays properly on one computer, it's not "corrupted".
The issue is going to be in the video settings used and/or the computer's ability to play that sort of file.
If the file plays properly on one computer, it's not "corrupted".
The issue is going to be in the video settings used and/or the computer's ability to play that sort of file.
I thought I had the problem solved but will have to spend some time with Dell tomorrow.
Did you upload the file or did i miss it. ?
Gear to fly in the Rain. Land on the Water.
I didn't upload it. But I did just spend 2 hours on the phone with Dell Premium support and uploaded files to that tech. Files are fine. After many, many different things tried I was told that the only thing left is to "reset" the computer, which means backing up all my docs, deactivating licenses that have limits on how many computers that the programs can be installed on and going back to a fresh system. I think I've only had to do that once in 20 years on an active computer, though my older laptops could use a reset too. The crazy thing is that the only two things I can find wrong is that it won't read my Mini 2 files and when I restart it doesn't recognize my monitor and I have to go through the monitor's buttons to let the computer search for the display port connection. I'm wondering if I didn't get hit with some sort of malware? I may try that next before doing a full reset. I'm not sure if the Dell tech did that, but said that it is definitely a Windows issue.

So I'm going to try Malwarebytes download now before doing anything else. This is the spookiest thing ever. All the files work fine on my laptop. The Mavic 2 files work fine on both computers. It is the Mini 2 files that are the issue on my desktop.
Earlier in the week I spent two hours with Dell with no solution- other than to reformat my C drive and reload everything. So this week has been backing up everything so that when my desktop does a low level format I don't lose anything. The one thing that I'm having trouble with is re-uploading my Davinci Resolve database. I'm just not experienced doing that and will seek help. But I've got Photoshop/LR, DR Studio, Chrome, and a few other programs uploaded, but still more, but less important ones to get. I had to deactivate my Capture One Pro license as they are absolute sticklers about maxing out licenses and hopefully I'll take care of that today.

It was a real bummer having to reset the computer, but the Mini 2 files are now playing. I had a trial Chicago River project with three missions started and film clips trimmed. It might be recoverable in the data base, but there isn't so much footage that it will take more than a day to get back to where I was.

I hadn't "sync'd" my Google Chome stuff with my laptop until yesterday, but at least in doing so it seems to have resurrected my stored passwords. Who can remember passwords when every website has different requirements?
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