I had an incident a few days ago with my Mini 2, using the Litchi way point mission on my Android Galaxy S10 phone. The aircraft was losing communications with the RC on and off, so I decided to just do a RTH. I long pressed the RTH button on the RC and the aircraft came back to me as expected, but before it landed, at about 10' feet above the RTH point, I short-pressed the RTH to cancel the landing so I can correct the landing spot. Surprisingly, instead of canceling the RTH and hovering above me, it immediately flew off fast horizontally (wo ascending or descending) straight to my left and hit the house next to me, The Gimbal got messed up. This totally caught me by surprise! You can see the path it followed from the litchi flight record that I imported into Google Earth as illustrated here. I was wondering if Litchi app thinks if I cancel RTH, it tries to resume the mission?
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