I thought I would share thoughts on accessories I purchased for the Mini 3 Pro. Others are certainly welcome to do the same!
Landing Gear
I will start with a game-changer for me, purchased here: Landing Gear Mike107 really likes so far! for $11.
It is also reviewed by Drone Valley here. Drone Valley M3P landing gear review.
I purchased these on my own and have no association with this company or Drone Valley--but I do like Rick's videos!
I selected this Mini 3 Pro Landing Gear in particular for a few reasons--
#1 It will allow for a Firehouse Technologies Arc V Multicolor to mount to the bottom of the aircraft. (I'll get to those light later. The MP3 is the same color as the sky in Southeast Michigan and the Arc V bottom-mounted promotes instant visual relocation of the drone in the sky when I have spent a lot of time looking at the controller.) It does not impede mounting an Arc V White to the topsides. The landing gear and securement strap promote mounting positions for two ARC V lights in a manner that seems to keep the aircraft CG relatively unchanged. I will check on how much the landing gear moves it.
#2 The landing gear appeared much more stable and sturdier than several others and like it would be stable and supportive in a variety of conditions. Most especially important to me is that if I am cattywampus coming in to land I want the gear to protect the drone. The last thing I need in a poor landing is for feather weight or "stork" gear to fail to provide stability when I touch down roughly because utility was sacrificed for "gram-weight bragging rights" or design extremes. The other benefit of this build quality is that I am still figuring out my flight bag and this will not easily be damaged in transit between now and when I have my travel system down. This device is very pleasantly sturdy and well-constructed. It mounts well in the same location each time with no fiddling about.
#3 It has a wide base and although it doesn't exploit the base-to-height ratio to the max, that ratio is very appropriate and functional whether in the field or on my desk.
#4 It has a visual appeal that subjectively fits very well with the overall gestalt of the M3P... It doesn't try to turn a frog into a swan.
#5 I will be flying over water alot. I picture this gear as being amenable to my mounting Styrofoam safety floats to it.
Negatives/faults: None. Be aware: It is 22 grams. The gear needs to be removed to fold the drone arms. It isn't an overly tall set of legs so you may still be able to "cut the grass" while using this, and I sometimes do land on the edge of my landing pad. I am supposing that with the quality and precision of fit, that the elastic band's mounting hole will not elongate or that otherwise this part will become deformed. Time will tell (and so will I).
What I'd like: Optional leg extensions, perhaps some rubber tips for the legs (so the aircraft doesn't slide on the landing pad when I it isn't completely flat and level and I land off center). How about some floats?
Conclusion--Man, this is really good landing gear and I consider it a great find.
I don't like to fly without it, my bottom-mounted multicolor Arc V light, my portable scanner.
I would put this landing gear and that Arc V light on my "every beginner should have" list.
Other things I have and will review: Firehouse Technology Strobe Lights and Drone Locator, Startrc Foldable Landing Pad, Dustproof Motor covers for Mini 3 Pro, coolest little set of soft, easily packable multicolor fieldmarkers/cones. I also have several items from Skyreat--A hard case (they provided), as well as an aluminum NP/PL filter set and RC controller screen protector (I purchased). I will say now, though, that the Skyreat hard case is a highly protective if minimalist design. I will review it after the FMK arrives next week. My experiences with Pilot Institute. Sorta-small USB-powered fan for field or desk use for drone cooling when not in flight.
Things I will never get again:
Runpower 100 wat charger-dangerous (Plug separated from body exposing line-voltage wires and a hot/red line with a big nick in the insulation). Charges like a beast but could kill like a snake.
Mimoday self-destroying 100-watt charger--seemed warmer in operation than I thought it should, and it quit working in about 7 uses.
Does anybody have a sure thing 100 Watt charger they suggest?
Best to you all in this wonderful community,
Landing Gear
I will start with a game-changer for me, purchased here: Landing Gear Mike107 really likes so far! for $11.
It is also reviewed by Drone Valley here. Drone Valley M3P landing gear review.
I purchased these on my own and have no association with this company or Drone Valley--but I do like Rick's videos!
I selected this Mini 3 Pro Landing Gear in particular for a few reasons--

#1 It will allow for a Firehouse Technologies Arc V Multicolor to mount to the bottom of the aircraft. (I'll get to those light later. The MP3 is the same color as the sky in Southeast Michigan and the Arc V bottom-mounted promotes instant visual relocation of the drone in the sky when I have spent a lot of time looking at the controller.) It does not impede mounting an Arc V White to the topsides. The landing gear and securement strap promote mounting positions for two ARC V lights in a manner that seems to keep the aircraft CG relatively unchanged. I will check on how much the landing gear moves it.
#2 The landing gear appeared much more stable and sturdier than several others and like it would be stable and supportive in a variety of conditions. Most especially important to me is that if I am cattywampus coming in to land I want the gear to protect the drone. The last thing I need in a poor landing is for feather weight or "stork" gear to fail to provide stability when I touch down roughly because utility was sacrificed for "gram-weight bragging rights" or design extremes. The other benefit of this build quality is that I am still figuring out my flight bag and this will not easily be damaged in transit between now and when I have my travel system down. This device is very pleasantly sturdy and well-constructed. It mounts well in the same location each time with no fiddling about.
#3 It has a wide base and although it doesn't exploit the base-to-height ratio to the max, that ratio is very appropriate and functional whether in the field or on my desk.
#4 It has a visual appeal that subjectively fits very well with the overall gestalt of the M3P... It doesn't try to turn a frog into a swan.

#5 I will be flying over water alot. I picture this gear as being amenable to my mounting Styrofoam safety floats to it.
Negatives/faults: None. Be aware: It is 22 grams. The gear needs to be removed to fold the drone arms. It isn't an overly tall set of legs so you may still be able to "cut the grass" while using this, and I sometimes do land on the edge of my landing pad. I am supposing that with the quality and precision of fit, that the elastic band's mounting hole will not elongate or that otherwise this part will become deformed. Time will tell (and so will I).
What I'd like: Optional leg extensions, perhaps some rubber tips for the legs (so the aircraft doesn't slide on the landing pad when I it isn't completely flat and level and I land off center). How about some floats?
Conclusion--Man, this is really good landing gear and I consider it a great find.
I don't like to fly without it, my bottom-mounted multicolor Arc V light, my portable scanner.
I would put this landing gear and that Arc V light on my "every beginner should have" list.
Other things I have and will review: Firehouse Technology Strobe Lights and Drone Locator, Startrc Foldable Landing Pad, Dustproof Motor covers for Mini 3 Pro, coolest little set of soft, easily packable multicolor fieldmarkers/cones. I also have several items from Skyreat--A hard case (they provided), as well as an aluminum NP/PL filter set and RC controller screen protector (I purchased). I will say now, though, that the Skyreat hard case is a highly protective if minimalist design. I will review it after the FMK arrives next week. My experiences with Pilot Institute. Sorta-small USB-powered fan for field or desk use for drone cooling when not in flight.
Things I will never get again:
Runpower 100 wat charger-dangerous (Plug separated from body exposing line-voltage wires and a hot/red line with a big nick in the insulation). Charges like a beast but could kill like a snake.
Mimoday self-destroying 100-watt charger--seemed warmer in operation than I thought it should, and it quit working in about 7 uses.
Does anybody have a sure thing 100 Watt charger they suggest?
Best to you all in this wonderful community,
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