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Mini 4 Pro Weird Landing Behavior?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Aug 15, 2020
Recently picked up a Mini 4 Pro. Running the latest firmware and using a RC2 controller, I've been noticing a weird behavior right before landing, when compared to my Mavic 3. When coming in to land, the Mini 4 seems very hesitant to actually touch down - almost like the APAS is thinking the ground is an obstacle. I can either keep up the pressure, land via the landing button, or switch to sport mode and force it down, but overall this just feels weird. I expect by holding down on the stick, that it should just prepare to land, then set down, but it seems to be "fighting" me once it gets a few feet off the ground.

Is this some default setting on the Mini that I'm missing? Is landing just handled differently on the RC2 vs the non-integrated controller? Is landing just handled differently on the Mini vs Mavic 3 line?

I'd appreciate any insight into what's going on here.
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i think it is just part of the APAS 5.0 system, my Air 3 is similar, if doing a manual landing ,i have found that after i hold down the left stick, it seems to hesitate before ,decending the last couple of feet and the landing message relayed via the controller, its called landing protection, and is activated in either bypass, or stop mode ,but is disabled in off , in the OA settings i fly with the the OA off most of the time ,and find that the drone responds to the stick imputs, in a much smoother manner in all directions, and in all the flight modes
the Mini 4 pro uses the same system as the Air 3
from the description of landing protection in the manual, having the OA on stops the landing from happening, once the drone reaches a height of 0.8m above the surface beneath it ,and then it will hover ,and a message unsuitable for landing will appear on the screen ,if it doesn't like what it beneath it ,then in order to overide the pause and continue to land anyway ,the left stick needs to be held down for at least 5 seconds,i would assume that the 5 second delay ,is to prevent an acidental activation if the stick was moved downwards in error, to its full extent, the next time i fly the air 3 i will try out your scenario from 5ft, and hold down the left stick with OA off, and see if it still stops at 0.8m,or just carries on and completes the landing
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the next time i fly the air 3 i will try out your scenario from 5ft, and hold down the left stick with OA off, and see if it still stops at 0.8m
Great. Thumbswayup
For the record, in such circumstances my mini 2 momentarily pauses, or slows the descent, at around 18" before continuing the landing. I think the M2P/Z might do the same thing but I never have OA on on the M2P/Z ...... not that the OA behaviour of the M2P/Z is the same as that of the Fly app drones.
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from the description of landing protection in the manual, having the OA on stops the landing from happening, once the drone reaches a height of 0.8m above the surface beneath it ,and then it will hover ,and a message unsuitable for landing will appear on the screen ,if it doesn't like what it beneath it ,then in order to overide the pause and continue to land anyway ,the left stick needs to be held down for at least 5 seconds,i would assume that the 5 second delay ,is to prevent an acidental activation if the stick was moved downwards in error, to its full extent, the next time i fly the air 3 i will try out your scenario from 5ft, and hold down the left stick with OA off, and see if it still stops at 0.8m,or just carries on and completes the landing
Good to know! I don't mind having OA on in flight, as I don't really run into false positives, but this just felt clunky when landing. Might just land in Sport to make things easier.
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