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Morning sunrise then the fog rolled in


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Sep 19, 2018
Essex, England
Went out first thing to get more sunrise photos on a very frosty morning. There was no wind, not even a light breeze but one thing I did notice, fog rolling in from the North Sea. This was going to be my first attempt at flying just above the fog which was following the river Crouch down to where I was flying. The fog was very patchy so had VLOS, no laws broken also I was only 200ft up.

Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did taking them.
Thanks guys for all your comments, much appreciated.

Wow! They are excellent. A timelapse would of been good as well with the fog rolling in.

Not tried timelapse yet but yeah it would of looked very cool. It was great watching the fog rolling in.

Nice Pic's...... but sadly no video, would have like to see that.....

Sorry no video but I was so wrapped up in the photos plus I only had limited time to fly, very cold, batteries were suffering big time.

Where's the love button on that post? Those are really nice shots! First one's my favorite. So cool the see the fog rolling in over that farmhouse.

Yep my favourite toooooo, I had to wait until the fog hit the farm then hoped for the best, didn’t come out to bad.

I only had three batteries, flight time was halfed by the cold weather plus I didn’t want to take any chances (flying over water) It was only -3.5c which is cold for here. My poor fingers sufferedo_O
Beautiful! The first and last are my favorites. I might crop the first closer to the farm, too bad you'll loose the moon, but it's too close to the edge to really work anyway.
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Beautiful! The first and last are my favorites. I might crop the first closer to the farm, too bad you'll loose the moon, but it's too close to the edge to really work anyway.

I’m glad someone noticed the moon, that’s the only reason I didn’t crop it down. But as you know that can be done very quickly.
Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did taking them.

Sure did! They are awesome. I have only really done videos with my drone and has been several months since i pulled it out even... Seeing the photos and timelapse and hyperlapse that people are doing has inspired me to get back int the air! What sort of settings do you use for something like this?
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Went out first thing to get more sunrise photos on a very frosty morning. There was no wind, not even a light breeze but one thing I did notice, fog rolling in from the North Sea. This was going to be my first attempt at flying just above the fog which was following the river Crouch down to where I was flying. The fog was very patchy so had VLOS, no laws broken also I was only 200ft up.

Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did taking them.
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Wonderful, thank you.
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Sure did! They are awesome. I have only really done videos with my drone and has been several months since i pulled it out even... Seeing the photos and timelapse and hyperlapse that people are doing has inspired me to get back int the air! What sort of settings do you use for something like this?

I’m a total novice when it comes to photography but have learned so much from certain members here on this forum, they all know who they are, (thank Q) to them;)

All photos were taken in manual mode if you want settings I can repost them, I bracketed (AEB) 5 photos in Raw then merged them in post. All photos were then put through PS fix then finished off in Lr cc.

Timelapse/hyperlapse are things that I want to try out, not 100% sure on the setup yet but no doubt people will push me in the right direction.

Get your bottom, very mild saying for me... in the air ASAP and start enjoying it again. Would be great seeing all your work, pics/vid etc on here. And as you already know if you’re not sure about anything, ask, that’s what I do. I think my photos have definitely improved over the last couple of months.

Enjoy @Bradh
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