After numerous flights and really testing out the mavic Air I’m 50/50 on it still, that review will come after 5 more flights.
Yesterday while out in sport mode I kept getting “Warning motor overload. Aircraft will decelerate to ensure safety” messages. And the drone would surely at full throttle slow down to like 10mph. Normally I’d say no big deal but I do fly in wind a lot and this would’ve sucked if it prevented me from having that needed power to get Home against the wind .
Any one else been getting this?
Yesterday while out in sport mode I kept getting “Warning motor overload. Aircraft will decelerate to ensure safety” messages. And the drone would surely at full throttle slow down to like 10mph. Normally I’d say no big deal but I do fly in wind a lot and this would’ve sucked if it prevented me from having that needed power to get Home against the wind .
Any one else been getting this?