True, however I have lived in that area for years. From an open piece of ground to
I saw this area being built over 30 years ago. There was nothing but a field back then and a piece of tarred road now. Having flow this area for 3 months, what happened today was completely out of the ordinary. While I was hovering, the drone starting drifting in ATTI mode. I tried gaining control, but nothing worked. The remote showed GPS, the phone an issue with the compass. Even in ATTI mode I should have full control, but the drone did nothing to respond, even when I tried countering its direction (in the right plane), the drone kept on moving and did a somersault. I have into the folder to look for the text file, there is nothing dated today. However in the software I see
True. GPS keeps the drone in place. ATTI mode is oh crap the drone lost signal yet again. The only smart thing about my watch is me. PULSAR Chronograph Titanium which would not present an interference. I would be horrified to think that anything magnetic on your body like a bracelet could bring the drone down. That being said, would not account for all the times I have flown with the watch on and nothing went wrong. Still does not account for a total RC disconnect from the drone. I still say and it will be very difficult for anyone to do convince me otherwise that the Mavic Pro is an overpriced low quality drone. Which I would never have wasted all my money on if I knew of 10 percent of the complaints I have read. ****, if DJI manufacturered planes we would not have an overpopulation problem on earth. You would be expecting to hear daily a plane had gone down. Their service is putrid. Their staff very unhelpful. Our local post office which is almost always on strike is more helpful than them. The founder of DJI has simply lost touch with his customers if he ever did care about them.