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My drone went bonkers

It makes no sense to me either. I was moving the stick butwhile yes I was moving the stick trying to get it to moving away from me it did not respond at all. I have strange video of a flight just before that one while it was acting erratically. Flying it 1m from the ground was to see how it responded after a restart. It made little difference. Just before this I did an update for Geo records. I even tested in beginners mode and this was unpleasant as well. This is all after an update.
I have strange video of a flight just before that one while it was acting erratically.

Wait so it was already flying erratically before the log you attached- maybe that was your clue that something was wrong with it or something in the area was interfering?

At the very FIRST sign of trouble you should reevaluate your surroundings and the health of the aircraft and if you don’t find something obvious you should reconsider if it’s safe to fly.
So I guess that someone on the group will tell me that this is my fault, but here goes. Take off. Compass error on phone, exit GPS. Hmm RC shows GPS connectivity... Go figure the two don't speak. Land. Take off. ATTI mode again. Flying slowly the drone goes bonkers and flies off backwards. Does not respond to the RC. This is at 1m above the ground. Not in Sport mode, no nothing. I have to repair the Gimbal one of the rubbers pulled lose. Nose damaged. Blades toast. The front arm has damage to the leg. Going to repair but for crying out loud, what the **** is wrong with the drone. It has been fine for quite a while since I had to reflash firmware because it was causing me problems. I updated geo software and this is happening? I am convinced that I wasted a lot of time and money on DJI rubbish. They are not the best drone manufacturers, they are anything but.
One of the biggest mistakes most people make is continue flying when you have a compass error. Once compass error pops up on your screen that means your drone doesn't know north , south east or west ...basically doesn't know its right from left or front and back , worst is when it doesn't know up or down and just takes off full speed straight up till it disappear. I tell my students don't fly unless you've got everything calibrated . Compass Error means you should do a compass calibration on your drone before trying to fly. I had that problem with mine a few days ago and somehow there was something in the ground that gave off a magnet field causing compass error to keep flashing. I ended up having to leave the area to get a good compass calibration.So do it out in the open away from any metal objects especially your car.Once that's done you should be good to go and taking off from any metal objects can mess up your compass , so find a nice clear open sky area , that way you'll also get all your satellites acquired faster.Good luck.
I tell my students don't fly unless you've got everything calibrated . Compass Error means you should do a compass calibration on your drone before trying to fly. I had that problem with mine a few days ago and somehow there was something in the ground that gave off a magnet field causing compass error to keep flashing. I ended up having to leave the area to get a good compass calibration.So do it out in the open away from any metal objects especially your car.
A compass error doesn't mean you should do a compass calibration at all.
A compass error is not a faulty compass that needs to be "fixed".
It's your perfectly working compass warning you that it's detected a magnetic field that you should be warned about.
No amount of recalibrating will fix that problem.
The correct action is to switch off the drone and move away from the magnetic influence that it's warning about and start again.
No recalibrating necessary.

The whole idea that recalibrating the compass fixes things is incorrect.
Calibrating the compass identifies and measures the magnetic fields that are part of the drone - that's all it does.
The compass needs this so it can ignore those magnetic fields and everything else it detects should be the earth's normal magnetic field.
Unless you modify your drone, you shouldn't need to recalibrate the compass at all
(Except that DJI introduced a silly recal the compass every 30 days thing with the Mavic 2).
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