Hello everybody,
after my first two "introduction videos" I have now familiarized myself a bit further with video editing. The learning curve with DaVinci Resolve is fortunately quite high, especially at the beginning...
Sort out, rough cut, cut to fit the music, color graded, denoised, faces pixelated, texts added... etc...
Would love to hear your opinion and critique.
Lessons learned:
- don't fly into an active snow cannon
(minute 2:22 and 5:22 in the video) (the Mavic 2 Pro wanted to land immediately afterwards with "motor overspeed" (or something like that).... Propellers were totally iced up at the leading edges....
- i think i have to delete some more video material. Viewers who don't have an emotional connection with the action will probably find it too long?
- hard cuts, like now in the video or soft transitions...what should I take?
Here's my edit from my first year with the drone:
after my first two "introduction videos" I have now familiarized myself a bit further with video editing. The learning curve with DaVinci Resolve is fortunately quite high, especially at the beginning...
Sort out, rough cut, cut to fit the music, color graded, denoised, faces pixelated, texts added... etc...
Would love to hear your opinion and critique.
Lessons learned:
- don't fly into an active snow cannon

- i think i have to delete some more video material. Viewers who don't have an emotional connection with the action will probably find it too long?
- hard cuts, like now in the video or soft transitions...what should I take?
Here's my edit from my first year with the drone: