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My neighbor keeps calling the police

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I'm convinced police officers don't have any common sense. What seems logical to you or me is beyond their comprehension.
Well there I have to disagree thats like saying bad drone pilots all are bad .
Sure maybe some are out of line but so are some of drone pilots .What seems logical to them might
not be to you.
You go out to fly or most do to play while LE for the most part go out to put their butts on the line for you.
Don't knock LE as one might be there when you really need them and they won't think twice about doing it .
What you have here is a case of harassment. The calls to the Police are public record, so they know who is calling. Your Layer can use these records to sue not only the Police, but the person making these calls. It is incumbent on the cops to warn the caller to cease and desist.
Appeasing a harasser only emboldens them. Go after them with the law or what's next that this person doesn't like you doing?
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So she broke the law and refused to supply ID for the police, and you are surprised that they arrested her?

In America (As I know we have an international forum here) in most states a bicycle is considered a vehicle, so all vehicles and road laws can be applied to the operation of said vehicle. Riding a bike on the wrong side of the street or wrong way on a one way street is no different than doing it with a car. If you are stopped by law Enforcement for possible violations of your operation of said vehicle you are required to show I.D (either actual License or Personal I.D) Failure to do so, can lead to a citation and impounding of said vehicle.
So she broke the law and refused to supply ID for the police, and you are surprised that they arrested her?

I think police should have better things to do. It took 2 or 3 officers an hour to prove a point instead of just warning her & going about their business. " The district attorney said that Hansen will not be charged. "There isn't a statute requirement for you to present your driver's license when you are riding a bicycle," Benton District Attorney John Haroldson told CNN. "

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Hey guys,
Got a little problem and it starting to escalate. So I need some advice. What would you do??

ok so I live in a big city, LA, yeah a crap hole. I know. But I’m in Burbank. Much nicer. ?

so I’ve been flying for recreational enjoyment for the last couple of months.

2 months ago, some guy stalked my drone when it landed in my backyard. He came to my front door and confronted me about flying over his house. Whatever, I get it. Some peeps don’t like drones. No problem. He told me thatI flew in his backyard and cut his telephone wire. I told him he was incorrect and if my M2Z has hit his telephone wires it would be laying him his backyard.

Anyway. This clown has called the po po (the police, the man, the fuzz, etc....) on me for the last 5 flights.

anyway, the cops rolled up on me Again yesterday. This time they sent out the watch commander to play tough guy.

I laid into them this time. They roll up and say did you call the police. Their dispatch for it wrong and thought my house had called them. Well I don’t need the police. I have my own protection and can take card of any situation. Back on point, I showed them the Kittyhawk app, my approval to fly as a recreational pilot, the DJI go app and the flight telemetry, and my iPhone screen recording (I prefer to screen record my flight just in case anything happens and I don’t have any
Live video).

they agreed that I followed all the correct procedures and rules

what I have a problem about is at the very end of my conversation with the 3 police officers.
This guy had the ( Mod Removed) to tell me that this incident could be related to a nuisance incident because they have to keep coming out to my location. they tried to relate it to a house burglar alarm that goes off on nuisance calls. They told me they were going to charge me if they had to come out to my house again. I told them flat out that was a bunch of crap since I wasn’t the one that was reporting the drone flying over the house. I told them they need to go speak with the guy that called in the complaint. So they could educate him about the laws and that if he called in again he was going to be the one to get charged for the nuisance. They didn’t like me taking back. They started to get a little more aggressive. I told them that I was done, this is ba, and get off
My property and I went back in the house. My wife was pissed that I just walked away.

so I came back they gave me some phone number to call for police relations. Left two messages. No reply back. Called the popo again to make sure I had the right guy, yeah I do.

so here it is. Besides not flying intentionally or unintentionally over this neighbors house, what advise can you give me. I’ve already tried to make contact with the popo like I said.
There are no rules saying I can’t fly in my area. I always get LAANCE approval because I am near an airport. I don’t do stupid stuff. But his clown down the street is killing my fun time.

what suggestions do you have for me

Thanks for the help.
Dog out
good neighbors are priceless, bad neighbors are a bane. There's an "Alice Kravitz" in every neighborhood who ALWAYS see everything they don't like. Must avoid them and go fly elsewhere. They will "win" most every time because they get so overworked up. Be gracious and avoid. On the (perhaps only) bright side, they watch the others in the neighborhood also.
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I think police should have better things to do. It took 2 or 3 officers an hour to prove a point instead of just warning her & going about their business. " The district attorney said that Hansen will not be charged. "There isn't a statute requirement for you to present your driver's license when you are riding a bicycle," Benton District Attorney John Haroldson told CNN. "

Agreed, but if you are stopped on suspicion of breaking a law, there is a requirement to provide ID if requested. Failure to do that will almost always lead to arrest. Whether or not she is ultimately charged with anything has no bearing on that.
Hey guys,
Got a little problem and it starting to escalate. So I need some advice. What would you do??

ok so I live in a big city, LA, yeah a crap hole. I know. But I’m in Burbank. Much nicer. ?

so I’ve been flying for recreational enjoyment for the last couple of months.

2 months ago, some guy stalked my drone when it landed in my backyard. He came to my front door and confronted me about flying over his house. Whatever, I get it. Some peeps don’t like drones. No problem. He told me thatI flew in his backyard and cut his telephone wire. I told him he was incorrect and if my M2Z has hit his telephone wires it would be laying him his backyard.

Anyway. This clown has called the po po (the police, the man, the fuzz, etc....) on me for the last 5 flights.

anyway, the cops rolled up on me Again yesterday. This time they sent out the watch commander to play tough guy.

I laid into them this time. They roll up and say did you call the police. Their dispatch for it wrong and thought my house had called them. Well I don’t need the police. I have my own protection and can take card of any situation. Back on point, I showed them the Kittyhawk app, my approval to fly as a recreational pilot, the DJI go app and the flight telemetry, and my iPhone screen recording (I prefer to screen record my flight just in case anything happens and I don’t have any
Live video).

they agreed that I followed all the correct procedures and rules

what I have a problem about is at the very end of my conversation with the 3 police officers.
This guy had the ( Mod Removed) to tell me that this incident could be related to a nuisance incident because they have to keep coming out to my location. they tried to relate it to a house burglar alarm that goes off on nuisance calls. They told me they were going to charge me if they had to come out to my house again. I told them flat out that was a bunch of crap since I wasn’t the one that was reporting the drone flying over the house. I told them they need to go speak with the guy that called in the complaint. So they could educate him about the laws and that if he called in again he was going to be the one to get charged for the nuisance. They didn’t like me taking back. They started to get a little more aggressive. I told them that I was done, this is ba, and get off
My property and I went back in the house. My wife was pissed that I just walked away.

so I came back they gave me some phone number to call for police relations. Left two messages. No reply back. Called the popo again to make sure I had the right guy, yeah I do.

so here it is. Besides not flying intentionally or unintentionally over this neighbors house, what advise can you give me. I’ve already tried to make contact with the popo like I said.
There are no rules saying I can’t fly in my area. I always get LAANCE approval because I am near an airport. I don’t do stupid stuff. But his clown down the street is killing my fun time.

what suggestions do you have for me

Thanks for the help.
Dog out
I had a similar problem with a neighbor not liking guns n everyone out in the woods own 40 acres plus n shoot allot themselves. He calls the SO most everyday out here, so we all started shooting at every opportunity we have. After a few full days of shooting n even up to 2200. He quit n has a for sale sign up now. Funny thing is, I have Bobcated his drive through the woods out a few times for nothing over the years.

Last winter was really bad, an he couldn't even get anyone to plow him out. I saw his poor wife mid 60s digging her car out n helped her out. Guess her husband is mad at the whole world most days. She seems like a nice person herself. Some people are just narcissistic behavior n think everyone should live by their rules regardless of what the law may be. I'd just fly in a better area. I never fly by anyone's house so maybe I am just lucky there? Big city life is similar to sardines packed tight within the same space. Problems are compounded just by that factor alone imho.
Agreed, but if you are stopped on suspicion of breaking a law, there is a requirement to provide ID if requested. Failure to do that will almost always lead to arrest. Whether or not she is ultimately charged with anything has no bearing on that.
@Sar sorry suspicion is not a crime, you have to actually break the law and be arrested or lawfully detained before you are required to ID. This girl did break the law was lawfully detained and was required to show ID . Nothing says she had to show a drivers license but she has to show some form of ID or at least provide her name and date of birth.
Why would anyone who doesn't live on a mountain top want to fly from their backyard? I only fly in remote areas where/when NO ONE else is present. Even some of my friends don't like drones. So why rock the boat? I agree that right or wrong, legal or not, the more bad encounters that stack up, the more public pushback will ultimately cause increased restrictions for us.

I live in "the birthplace of mountain biking" -where public pushback has resulted in some of the most restrictive access rules anywhere in the country. A sad irony. And guess what? Drones are restricted here too! NONE of the public land in my area is legal for flight. And if more whiners make a stink, even more restrictions may go into force.

My suggestion, is to make friends not enemies. Think of the big picture, and remember that every encounter stays in memory, so best to keep 'em smiling.
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You will never advance your situation by being rude to the police even if you're 100% correct. Whether you're 100% right, if they charge you with being a nuisance, even if it eventually is thrown out, you still end up having to pay the price in time and dollars to get it dismissed.

At this point my advice would be, at least for the time being, find somewhere else to fly. In my mind the convenience of flying from my backyard is just not worth the hassle of having to deal with an irrational neighbor and the police.
@Sar sorry suspicion is not a crime, you have to actually break the law and be arrested or lawfully detained before you are required to ID. This girl did break the law was lawfully detained and was required to show ID . Nothing says she had to show a drivers license but she has to show some form of ID or at least provide her name and date of birth.

Are you drawing a distinction between "stopped" and "detained"? Because suspicion is all that is needed to detain.

  • Police may stop and detain you briefly only with reasonable suspicion that you have committed, are committing, or are about to commit a crime or a violation. However, you do not have to stop unless police order you to. Unless ordered to stop, you may leave at any time, but should ask whether you are free to leave.
  • It is not illegal in Oregon to refuse to identify yourself, but police may detain you until they establish your identity.
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Let it go. The neighbor sees you as a problem, the police see you as the problem - is this a battle you need to win?
The neighbor probably has a simple, miserable job and life and desperately needs to be in charge or in control of - something, anything. He chose drones and ultimately - you.
Simple solution: Walk a half of a block away from his house, launch from the side street or alley, fly away from and avoid his house - or take your drone with you to work and stop by an open space on the way home.
The only way this issue can instantly go away is if he never sees your drone again. Easy-peasy.
@Sar sorry suspicion is not a crime, you have to actually break the law and be arrested or lawfully detained before you are required to ID. This girl did break the law was lawfully detained and was required to show ID . Nothing says she had to show a drivers license but she has to show some form of ID or at least provide her name and date of birth.
No it is not a crime
Reasonable Suspicion is enough for one to have Probable Cause to stop and ask for ID.
You think he (LE) would believe you by just telling them some name. No.
Just say you had outstanding warrants out on you say for rape .
They let you go after you say Joe Blow is the name then you go out and rape someones daughter.
I think not .
Now I am getting Reasonable Suspicion that this isn't going anywhere but down hill.
So unless this going OT from the OP's post doesn't stop I will have Probable Cause
to just Lock It Up.
Lets stay on topic guys this going back and forth isn't going to get it .
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Are you drawing a distinction between "stopped" and "detained"? Because suspicion is all that is needed to detain.

  • Police may stop and detain you briefly only with reasonable suspicion that you have committed, are committing, or are about to commit a crime or a violation. However, you do not have to stop unless police order you to. Unless ordered to stop, you may leave at any time, but should ask whether you are free to leave.
  • It is not illegal in Oregon to refuse to identify yourself, but police may detain you until they establish your identity.
again SUSPICION is not a crime.They have to articulate that you have, you are , or your about to commit a crime . If they don't have this then you can refuse to ID and they have no reason to detain you.
good neighbors are priceless, bad neighbors are a bane. There's an "Alice Kravitz" in every neighborhood who ALWAYS see everything they don't like. Must avoid them and go fly elsewhere. They will "win" most every time because they get so overworked up. Be gracious and avoid. On the (perhaps only) bright side, they watch the others in the neighborhood also.

I have to correct you as a member of the "TV Generation"...
Her name was Gladys Kravitz, husband's name was Abner...... ?
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One option you have is to sue her in small claims court as a nuisance/personal harassment.
As long as you are in the "legal right" arena, and you can document her calls to LE, their arrival, and they agree your not breaking ANY laws, or Ordinances, you may have a case.

At least here in the "Land of Unicorns and Rainbows", it does happen.

I have seen it personally with a "lousy neighbor with attitude" across the street, everybody had "run-ins" with this husband/wife team, and my next door neighbor did sue in Small Claims Court and won a 7.5K judgment, all because the "lousy neighbor did not like when he started his truck in the am to go to work. Yeah, it was a big Dodge Diesel P.U.
... He told me thatI flew in his backyard and cut his telephone wire. I told him he was incorrect and if my M2Z has hit his telephone wires it would be laying him his backyard....
Generally speaking, it is not a good idea to fly over a congested neighborhood. If there are any problems it may create a dangerous situation and make retrieval difficult. That being said, the guy was obviously wrong and you can try to educate him. Perhaps show him that your plastic props would break if they hit a wire; there are many YouTube videos showing the effect of a drone vs wire/small branches that may be convincing enough. However you handle it, be prepared for another PO visit when any drone is spotted by this person. Being able to show that either there was no flight log recorded at the time in question or at least it shows you did not fly in his back yard may keep it from escalating.
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