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NASA UAS Safety Reporting


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Nov 10, 2019
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

NASA has an excellent program for commercial aviation called ASRS (Aviation Safety Reporting System) that also publishes reports of accidents and near misses as a training/learning tool.

They are expanding this to include the UAS community, including hobby, part107, public safety, and part135 users.

Learning from the mistakes of each other is a really critical and effective way to improve your knowledge of the craft and enhancing your overall awareness and hazard recognition to PREVENT these kind of events. Do you really think your the very first to have made a given mistake?

Here is a link to their registration page and web site to either read submitted reports, subscribe to monthly emails, or report an event.

Mishap reporting like this is a part of the Safety Management System (SMS) concept in aviation, and is non-punitive, confidential, and voluntary.

SHARE your experience with others and help contribute to the safety of ALL the system users.

UAS Safety Reporting | NASA ASRS
"The FAA offers protection against civil penalty and certificate suspension in exchange for filing an ASRS report as this is indicative of a constructive attitude which will tend to prevent future violations (see Advisory Circular AC 00-46F). However, reports regarding accidents and criminal acts such as reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, or voyeurism are excluded from the protections offered by the FAA. You can report to ASRS at any time, but in order to receive protection from the FAA, your report must be submitted within 10 days of the event, or when you first became aware of the event."
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"The FAA offers protection against civil penalty and certificate suspension in exchange for filing an ASRS report as this is indicative of a constructive attitude which will tend to prevent future violations (see Advisory Circular AC 00-46F). However, reports regarding accidents and criminal acts such as reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, or voyeurism are excluded from the protections offered by the FAA. You can report to ASRS at any time, but in order to receive protection from the FAA, your report must be submitted within 10 days of the event, or when you first became aware of the event."
Interesting info. Even though you might be protected from civil penalties, from the FAA, you are making voluntary admissions that might be used against you in civil court. Right?
Interesting info. Even though you might be protected from civil penalties, from the FAA, you are making voluntary admissions that might be used against you in civil court. Right?
For sure.
For sure.
YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT: THIS IS A NEAR MISS REPORTING SYSTEM that is intended to HELP other pilots by learning from the mistakes made by others, so that YOU don't make the same mistake. The process is anonymized and safe for the person submitting their report, which is a foundational part of the SMS (Safety Management System) process.

No one gets sued by having a near miss, they get sued for having an accident. if your worried about liability it is best to manage it by LEARNING and PREVENTING the factors that cause mishaps and accidents by profiting from the experience of others.

Pilots of all types of aircraft, world wide participate in this process just for that reason. They are protected from any action against them by their employers and regulatory agencies. The whole idea is to let your guard down, share your experiences, and LEARN from each other.

And the bottom line is that it is working, and even if you choose not to submit your information, please take the time to read what is posted to learn from those that do.
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