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Navigation system error


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2017
Shropshire, UK
Mavic 2 pro.

I had a successful flight and landed and stopped the motors.

Go 4 then advised that I could not take off.

Rebooted the SC and a/c and that cleared the problem.

Took off and all was well.

I am curious to what caused 'Cannot take off' message. Does anyone know the answer please?
If you attempt to take off when it says you can't fly, it will give you more details.

Once in my case it said can't fly for what seemed an unusually long time. Hit CSC anyway, it then said IMU hadn't heard back from a sensor yet, or something to that effect. It can take a minute or two for IMU to "warm up".
Sadly, theres no way to narrow that down unless your a software engineer or possibly self educated on the subject, and with the accompanying testing equipment, which is stupid expensive, at least the quality gear.

The good news, the M2, can be especially finicky, when it comes to the slightest little issue keeping it from taking off. but, that can also be a comfort because when it lets you take off, its rock solid.

I've had this happen on several occasions, and you did what we all do to fix it, and 99.999% of the time, resetting the A/C, and the SC (or the Go4 app if running standard RC), which helps to clear the cache, freeing up memory, fixes the problem.

I know you were looking for something more concrete, however, I hope I relieved your worry somewhat, as this does happen from time to time, especially with the SC, which is pretty limited specs wise, although DJI has done well in the optimizations of their onboard software. (This can be apparent when attempting to use a 3rd party app such as Litchi on the SC... Its laggy!)
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when i had my original android screen device after i had concluded my flight ,in order to be able to fly again i would have to go through the full shutdown procedure, drone, controller, app,
then start from fresh controller ,app, wait for them to link and then turn on drone,if i just landed switched off drone put in a new battery turned on drone it would not let me fly ,now i am using a ipad i dont get that issue anymore it seems to be an android thing
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Yeah, iOS definitely more solid of a platform for DJI products. Less coding variety. I sometimes wonder what a SC running iOS would be like, compared to our current android SC?
You will often find the reason if you tap on the top bar on GO4 where the "Cannot Take Off" message is displayed; it will take you to the Aircraft Status page where you can see what is preventing you from taking off. Failing that, the log will show the exact reason in more detail. And I'll bet my last dollar this will have nothing to do with whether you are running GO4 an Android or iOS.

Also, if you had landed with a low battery warning GO4 would display that message.
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when i had my original android screen device after i had concluded my flight ,in order to be able to fly again i would have to go through the full shutdown procedure, drone, controller, app,
then start from fresh controller ,app, wait for them to link and then turn on drone,if i just landed switched off drone put in a new battery turned on drone it would not let me fly ,now i am using a ipad i dont get that issue anymore it seems to be an android thing
I fly with two Android phones, and I never have to power cycle the remote controller or close the app between flights. Land the AC, power off, slap in a fresh battery, power on, and I am ready to fly again.
I fly with two Android phones, and I never have to power cycle the remote controller or close the app between flights. Land the AC, power off, slap in a fresh battery, power on, and I am ready to fly again.

Same, i use android tablet (Huawei M3), phone (Pixel 2 XL) and the SC. I just replace the battery, turn on and fly. I dont quit Go4 or anything. It just works.

Its a procedure i do most flights as i do one flight for photos (CPL or no filter) and another for video (with a ND) in the same location.

It does depend on the device though - some devices butcher Android to the point its conceivable they need a USB reconnect to work. "Android" isnt one system.
It does depend on the device though - some devices butcher Android to the point its conceivable they need a USB reconnect to work. "Android" isnt one system.
You are quite right about that and I should have considered it. I must add both of my android phones run stock android (a first gen Pixel and a Nokia 7 Plus). So my experience only applies to similar platforms. Thanks for the correction :)
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