I work IT for the city and park and rec where I am employed. Our police department has a sizeable drone unit and want to mount monitors inside of a vehicle to view video on site. Does anyone have suggestions for monitors(between 17in and 22in) that could be mounted inside of patrol vehicle?
What drones?
How do they propose to get the video signal to the monitors?
Who will be watching the monitors, the pilot or an observer?
If the pilot, how are they supposed to maintain VLOS or are they exempt from that requirement?
What drones?
How do they propose to get the video signal to the monitors?
Who will be watching the monitors, the pilot or an observer?
If the pilot, how are they supposed to maintain VLOS or are they exempt from that requirement?
all valid Questions here's my story.
I fly a mavic air 2s and a mavic pro for security daily. We have played around with the big monitor to observe with path, and really the lugging around of crap and just all the excess stuff needed to pull this off really doesn't lend itself well to law enforcement situations. You the operator are the one observing the camera after all and a bunch of people behind you going oh wait, no go back, i see it, things like that, are just distracting. so no need for a giant monitor. I use a large iPad in a case and 2 spotters. I hardly ever look up from my iPad and my spotters never let me get out of line of site. Spotters are the main thing here and you really want two if you are lucky enough. and trained spotters at that. not the buddy you ask to watch the drone.
really Your best bet is F.P.V. with googles and spotters you will get a bigger picture as the operator and you can easily feed to another iPad through the googles for any spectators wanting to see your view I flew from inside a van (NOT Moving) with an iPad just for kicks and I didn't like it at all. I was to isolated from the envoroment around me
Not quite for sure why you need more information. The only thing I am wanting to do is fulfill their request for two monitors that can withstand being mounted in a moving vehicle.