I play golf with the guys a few times a month. If I was on the course and heard a drone I'd definitely look for it out of interest and curiosity. But would it affect my game or my enjoyment level? **** no! I might not even hear it because we'll have the Bluetooth in the cart pumping out Zac Brown and Florida Georgia Line while enjoying cold beer.
My MP is nearly silent at 300 feet so yeah, sounds like a bumblebee.
If you look back at both of our post I think you'll see the complaining and "snarking", that was a good one, lol... was all coming from you my friend. I'm just not concerned with someone who gets their feelings all hurt over something so insignificant.
From here on out, I guess you and your overwhelming powerful society will just have to put your big boy pants on and deal with it.
Cause God knows I'll surely end up in prison flying my drone legally and responsibility.
I needed a good laugh today. Thank you sir!