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New member looking for some advice


New Member
Sep 29, 2024
Gladys, VA, USA
Hello, I'm new here and I was hoping to get some advice. I have an Air 2S that I bought used. It was in great shape and flew fine. I let it set since last year. Got it out the other day and was hoping to get it back in the air. Turned it on and got everything connected and got 5 or 6 warnings, the main one being the IMU needed calibration. The IMU will not calibrate, neither will the compass or gimbal. I updated all the firmware and reloaded the Fly App, still no go. I've done some searches on the problem and some folks suggested tapping or hitting on the front in the GPS/IMU area. That didn't work. Others suggested replacing the IMU module. I am fine with replacing the IMU if that is the problem. I'm just wondering if that is the problem and if there's a way I can find out. Any advice or suggestions will be most appreciated.
Calibration of the IMU most likely REQUIRES that the orientation of the drone is PRECISELY that shown in the instructions and those orientations probably change during the calibration.
If correct are you correctly orientating the drone at each step?

In addition, with older drones e.g. the phantom 3 series, the accelerometers sometimes got/get stuck and it was/is necessary to give the drone a slap or three in the + & - x, y, z directions to unstick the accelerometer. Obviously how hard a slap you wish to give is a matter of choice but I start with light slap and it has never required what I consider to be a hard slap.

I recollect a thread where what I think was a more recent drone required such a slap.

I have no idea whether or not the need for an IMU calibration can cause a cascade of indicated problems .
If it was working fine last time you had it out, doubtful it has some drastic problem.
I would try a firmware refresh via the DJI Assistant.
I’ve not tried the slapping idea, so no information there.
If you are asked to update the firmware, skip that for now.
Are you trying to use a mac?.................................. Its supposed to work mine rarely does.
If possible go outside and do your calibrations away from man-made stuff.....Concrete and walls do not help in calibration.
I have seen the slap thing work .........Don't slap too hard tho,
I don't think you have an IMU error "out of the box"
Try to refresh the current firmware.
WoodHippie, hope you find a fix for the Air 2S. I just wanted to share a little storage thing I do for long terms. I always keep at least two ‘silica gel decadent packs’ 2” x 2” in my carry bags for long terms. It’s just a safe sure in preventing / reducing unwanted moisture attaching to the electronics. Just a thought for the future.

Big Air 2S fan

If possible go outside and do your calibrations away from man-made stuff.....Concrete and walls do not help in calibration.
That only applies to compass calibration.
There are no such requirements for IMU calibration.
When I try to do the IMU calibration it will not start no matter how many times I click on it. I've updated the firmware using Assistant 2. I've had it outside trying to calibrate the compass but no luck. I'm pretty sure the GPS is working as I am getting 12 to 15 satellites. I'm thinking about taking the top cover off and checking out the IMU/GPS units.
If you Think for sure the unit is bad they are easy to get the gps unit runs 70 bucks and the IMU's are 30. It is hard to believe that the unit could fail in storage BUT...... Getting the parts would be the last resort.
If you havnt taken the drone apart before do yourself a favor and use a tiny awl to clear all the epoxy from the screws it saves from stripping them.

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