DJI Mavic, Air and Mini Drones
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New Oldie Just Arrived


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2023
NSW Australia
G'day fellow flyers. I just won myself a used Mavic Air which wasn't working, but 2 hours after bidding the postman farewell it's now running perfectly. It seems I can't get away from Mavics. I also own the Mavic Pro Platinum which has been in it's delivery box since it was purchased some years ago, plus there's the baby of the group a Mavic Mini, I also appear to stall on the original versions. Are quadcopters like movies and books? They reckon follow ups are never as good as the first releases. :)

I'm an ex serviceman who got badly poisoned by Agent Orange after 4 trips to Vietnam. I'm now disabled and been stuck in bed for the past 5 years. Every now and then, mostly then than now, I manage to get a couple pf nurses to help me get to the car and my wife takes me for a drive around our tiny town to see what has and what hasn't changed. Other than that I avoid going stir crazy by flying around the world on the PC, making and then solving jigsaws and tackling my favourite hobbies. 3D printing, laser cutting, and making jewelery, all whilst in my 12' x 12' bedroom.

I used to build RC trucks, boats, planes quadcopters and helicopters, but my darling wife put a stop to it as every room in the house apart from the kitchen, the bathroom and laundry is full to overflowing with ready to run models. I have a problem I'm told, I can't sell anything, possibly why my bedroom looks like an Amazon warehouse with a bed in the middle. Oh yes. I forgot the 200 plus collection of digital cameras and my massive music collection which I spent 15 years digitizing and storing on a pile of hard drives.

In my spare time, I can be found keeping my .4 million library of digital photos organized and adding to them at every opportunity. Over the past month I've increased my wartime collection by another 9,000 photos and paintings. That was keeping me awake until 6am every morning. I don't sleep much these days, I'd much rather be doing something. Whilst I was younger I enjoyed sleeping far too much, so now I'm claiming that wasted time back and get away with a couple of hours from 6am to breakfast time.

Please forgive me for waffling on, I rarely get visitors, who wants to visit an old man stuck in bed? OK, leave the old women out of this :)
I'd better do the shepherd's trick and leave you guys alone.

Happy flying and good luck to you all. Stu.
Welcome fellow RC hobbiest and Veteran. YES!! Just like Planes, or cars these little camera drones are truly addictive. I have 2 mavic pro's one of them is a platinum, an Air2s ( the workhorse), a mini, and about a dozen Tellos for break time racing. For me My FPV drones Are my addiction ( NOT the hugely expensive DJI FPV) but I just acquired a Diatone Roma.
Welcome to the forum you will find Great advice and great people here.
A Diatone Roma? to show my ignorance I had to Google that, I'd honestly never heard of it. I don't think it's been released here in Oz, then again my reactions are slowing down so racing is pretty much something I won't be doing, Plus the only other Quadcopter user I know of in town is the Fire Chief and he only uses his when he attends fires. Even watching the racing tends to make me seasick :) How anyone can do it with FPV Goggles I don't know. I'd be off my feet for hours. That's a stupid comment, I've been off my feet for years :)

The old Mavic Pro Platinum seems to soldier on, a real golden oldie. After I purchased mine I couldn't get the courage to fly it. It was the most expensive toy I'd ever bought and I couldn't bare to pile it into the ground. Instead I used to fly a home made 450. I still have it and it's still as original. It flew as if it was on rails. My first fly took me roughly 2 minutes to get the feel of it and I kept flying until I ran out of batteries. It looks like a pile of junk when compared to the Mavic, but I'd put it up against anything currently available..

Thank you for the welcome to the site. I'll leave if for now, but I will be asking for a little advice later. My wife is asking me to find her a movie on Prime, she can't sleep either, a movie will put her too sleep faster than sleeping tablets.

All the best to you and no doubt we'll meet again. Stu.
G'day fellow flyers. I just won myself a used Mavic Air which wasn't working, but 2 hours after bidding the postman farewell it's now running perfectly. It seems I can't get away from Mavics. I also own the Mavic Pro Platinum which has been in it's delivery box since it was purchased some years ago, plus there's the baby of the group a Mavic Mini, I also appear to stall on the original versions. Are quadcopters like movies and books? They reckon follow ups are never as good as the first releases. :)

I'm an ex serviceman who got badly poisoned by Agent Orange after 4 trips to Vietnam. I'm now disabled and been stuck in bed for the past 5 years. Every now and then, mostly then than now, I manage to get a couple pf nurses to help me get to the car and my wife takes me for a drive around our tiny town to see what has and what hasn't changed. Other than that I avoid going stir crazy by flying around the world on the PC, making and then solving jigsaws and tackling my favourite hobbies. 3D printing, laser cutting, and making jewelery, all whilst in my 12' x 12' bedroom.

I used to build RC trucks, boats, planes quadcopters and helicopters, but my darling wife put a stop to it as every room in the house apart from the kitchen, the bathroom and laundry is full to overflowing with ready to run models. I have a problem I'm told, I can't sell anything, possibly why my bedroom looks like an Amazon warehouse with a bed in the middle. Oh yes. I forgot the 200 plus collection of digital cameras and my massive music collection which I spent 15 years digitizing and storing on a pile of hard drives.

In my spare time, I can be found keeping my .4 million library of digital photos organized and adding to them at every opportunity. Over the past month I've increased my wartime collection by another 9,000 photos and paintings. That was keeping me awake until 6am every morning. I don't sleep much these days, I'd much rather be doing something. Whilst I was younger I enjoyed sleeping far too much, so now I'm claiming that wasted time back and get away with a couple of hours from 6am to breakfast time.

Please forgive me for waffling on, I rarely get visitors, who wants to visit an old man stuck in bed? OK, leave the old women out of this :)
I'd better do the shepherd's trick and leave you guys alone.

Happy flying and good luck to you all. Stu.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Hello from the Crossroads of America stubaz.

Best wishes and welcome to the Forum. :cool:
welcome to the forum i to have a MPP and it is still flying fine after nearly 5 years of use and many hundreds of flights ,and i will keep giving it some air time, as and when my health issues allow
Welcome to the forum! :)
G'day fellow flyers.


Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar. Click on "Members" and then Click on "Member's Map…" Check it out and you might find some new flying friends.

This is a Public Posting, I also sent you a Private Message…

Since you live in Australia, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check to ensure these are current.

For your reading pleasure,

Below is the link to all of the downloads offered by DJI for the Air, the Platinum, and the Mini, including the User Manuals.

After you read the Manuals, read them again, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first "scary moment…"

Fly Safe, Be Safe, and I hope you feel better soon.

Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Thank you all for your comments and likes. Please forgive my unusual hours, I wasn't ignoring you, mu OT dropped in and we had a good chat. She handles our Veteran care department, known as DVA or Department of Veteran's Affairs. I was asked how they treat us Aussie Veterans and to be honest, extremely well. They've been looking after me for over 15 years and everything I've needed they have supplied. A hospital bed (electric pretzel making type)/ A special air filled armchair. My wife wore the first one out and they replaced it. A chair lift to take me to the ground floor, even a trolley so I can pull my PC over the bed, it's big enough to hold the PC, monitor and heaps of accessories. My OT is currently applying for a mobility scooter. They also paid for 24 trips in the air ambulance. They literally pay for absolutely everything medical wise. I don't know how we'd survive without them.

They granted me a 80% pension, but during a chat with them they thought it strange that I hadn't applied for 100%, so I did and it was granted within days and I even got back pay. The best part is when I kick the bucket my wife takes over. She's looked after me for 15 years so she deserves something for all her work.

I've heard a few bad stories about the way the American Veterans are treated and it's not right. Hopefully they will sort it out for those who deserve all the help they're owed. Then again the way your government is spending money it's hardly surprising they can't afford to look after their vets. I purchased a pile of merchandise from your Veteran's association a while back. I ordered 4 shirts in my normal size, but when I tried them on they would have been sold as circus tents. It seems your fitting chart caters to BIG guys. They'll keep both my wife and myself warm, in the same shirt. :)

Gday Stu.
Where abouts in NSW are you based. If its somewhere i get to, id be happy to come by and visit an old fella. Maybe even arrange for an outing and some flying.
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G'day fellow flyers. I just won myself a used Mavic Air which wasn't working, but 2 hours after bidding the postman farewell it's now running perfectly. It seems I can't get away from Mavics. I also own the Mavic Pro Platinum which has been in it's delivery box since it was purchased some years ago, plus there's the baby of the group a Mavic Mini, I also appear to stall on the original versions. Are quadcopters like movies and books? They reckon follow ups are never as good as the first releases. :)

I'm an ex serviceman who got badly poisoned by Agent Orange after 4 trips to Vietnam. I'm now disabled and been stuck in bed for the past 5 years. Every now and then, mostly then than now, I manage to get a couple pf nurses to help me get to the car and my wife takes me for a drive around our tiny town to see what has and what hasn't changed. Other than that I avoid going stir crazy by flying around the world on the PC, making and then solving jigsaws and tackling my favourite hobbies. 3D printing, laser cutting, and making jewelery, all whilst in my 12' x 12' bedroom.

I used to build RC trucks, boats, planes quadcopters and helicopters, but my darling wife put a stop to it as every room in the house apart from the kitchen, the bathroom and laundry is full to overflowing with ready to run models. I have a problem I'm told, I can't sell anything, possibly why my bedroom looks like an Amazon warehouse with a bed in the middle. Oh yes. I forgot the 200 plus collection of digital cameras and my massive music collection which I spent 15 years digitizing and storing on a pile of hard drives.

In my spare time, I can be found keeping my .4 million library of digital photos organized and adding to them at every opportunity. Over the past month I've increased my wartime collection by another 9,000 photos and paintings. That was keeping me awake until 6am every morning. I don't sleep much these days, I'd much rather be doing something. Whilst I was younger I enjoyed sleeping far too much, so now I'm claiming that wasted time back and get away with a couple of hours from 6am to breakfast time.

Please forgive me for waffling on, I rarely get visitors, who wants to visit an old man stuck in bed? OK, leave the old women out of this :)
I'd better do the shepherd's trick and leave you guys alone.

Happy flying and good luck to you all. St
G'day fellow flyers. I just won myself a used Mavic Air which wasn't working, but 2 hours after bidding the postman farewell it's now running perfectly. It seems I can't get away from Mavics. I also own the Mavic Pro Platinum which has been in it's delivery box since it was purchased some years ago, plus there's the baby of the group a Mavic Mini, I also appear to stall on the original versions. Are quadcopters like movies and books? They reckon follow ups are never as good as the first releases. :)

I'm an ex serviceman who got badly poisoned by Agent Orange after 4 trips to Vietnam. I'm now disabled and been stuck in bed for the past 5 years. Every now and then, mostly then than now, I manage to get a couple pf nurses to help me get to the car and my wife takes me for a drive around our tiny town to see what has and what hasn't changed. Other than that I avoid going stir crazy by flying around the world on the PC, making and then solving jigsaws and tackling my favourite hobbies. 3D printing, laser cutting, and making jewelery, all whilst in my 12' x 12' bedroom.

I used to build RC trucks, boats, planes quadcopters and helicopters, but my darling wife put a stop to it as every room in the house apart from the kitchen, the bathroom and laundry is full to overflowing with ready to run models. I have a problem I'm told, I can't sell anything, possibly why my bedroom looks like an Amazon warehouse with a bed in the middle. Oh yes. I forgot the 200 plus collection of digital cameras and my massive music collection which I spent 15 years digitizing and storing on a pile of hard drives.

In my spare time, I can be found keeping my .4 million library of digital photos organized and adding to them at every opportunity. Over the past month I've increased my wartime collection by another 9,000 photos and paintings. That was keeping me awake until 6am every morning. I don't sleep much these days, I'd much rather be doing something. Whilst I was younger I enjoyed sleeping far too much, so now I'm claiming that wasted time back and get away with a couple of hours from 6am to breakfast time.

Please forgive me for waffling on, I rarely get visitors, who wants to visit an old man stuck in bed? OK, leave the old women out of this :)
I'd better do the shepherd's trick and leave you guys alone.

Happy flying and good luck to you all. Stu.
Greetings from Detroit.
G'day fellow flyers. I just won myself a used Mavic Air which wasn't working, but 2 hours after bidding the postman farewell it's now running perfectly. It seems I can't get away from Mavics. I also own the Mavic Pro Platinum which has been in it's delivery box since it was purchased some years ago, plus there's the baby of the group a Mavic Mini, I also appear to stall on the original versions. Are quadcopters like movies and books? They reckon follow ups are never as good as the first releases. :)

I'm an ex serviceman who got badly poisoned by Agent Orange after 4 trips to Vietnam. I'm now disabled and been stuck in bed for the past 5 years. Every now and then, mostly then than now, I manage to get a couple pf nurses to help me get to the car and my wife takes me for a drive around our tiny town to see what has and what hasn't changed. Other than that I avoid going stir crazy by flying around the world on the PC, making and then solving jigsaws and tackling my favourite hobbies. 3D printing, laser cutting, and making jewelery, all whilst in my 12' x 12' bedroom.

I used to build RC trucks, boats, planes quadcopters and helicopters, but my darling wife put a stop to it as every room in the house apart from the kitchen, the bathroom and laundry is full to overflowing with ready to run models. I have a problem I'm told, I can't sell anything, possibly why my bedroom looks like an Amazon warehouse with a bed in the middle. Oh yes. I forgot the 200 plus collection of digital cameras and my massive music collection which I spent 15 years digitizing and storing on a pile of hard drives.

In my spare time, I can be found keeping my .4 million library of digital photos organized and adding to them at every opportunity. Over the past month I've increased my wartime collection by another 9,000 photos and paintings. That was keeping me awake until 6am every morning. I don't sleep much these days, I'd much rather be doing something. Whilst I was younger I enjoyed sleeping far too much, so now I'm claiming that wasted time back and get away with a couple of hours from 6am to breakfast time.

Please forgive me for waffling on, I rarely get visitors, who wants to visit an old man stuck in bed? OK, leave the old women out of this :)
I'd better do the shepherd's trick and leave you guys alone.

Happy flying and good luck to you all. Stu.
Welcome , and thank you for your service
Thank you all for your comments and likes. Please forgive my unusual hours, I wasn't ignoring you, mu OT dropped in and we had a good chat. She handles our Veteran care department, known as DVA or Department of Veteran's Affairs. I was asked how they treat us Aussie Veterans and to be honest, extremely well. They've been looking after me for over 15 years and everything I've needed they have supplied. A hospital bed (electric pretzel making type)/ A special air filled armchair. My wife wore the first one out and they replaced it. A chair lift to take me to the ground floor, even a trolley so I can pull my PC over the bed, it's big enough to hold the PC, monitor and heaps of accessories. My OT is currently applying for a mobility scooter. They also paid for 24 trips in the air ambulance. They literally pay for absolutely everything medical wise. I don't know how we'd survive without them.

They granted me a 80% pension, but during a chat with them they thought it strange that I hadn't applied for 100%, so I did and it was granted within days and I even got back pay. The best part is when I kick the bucket my wife takes over. She's looked after me for 15 years so she deserves something for all her work.

I've heard a few bad stories about the way the American Veterans are treated and it's not right. Hopefully they will sort it out for those who deserve all the help they're owed. Then again the way your government is spending money it's hardly surprising they can't afford to look after their vets. I purchased a pile of merchandise from your Veteran's association a while back. I ordered 4 shirts in my normal size, but when I tried them on they would have been sold as circus tents. It seems your fitting chart caters to BIG guys. They'll keep both my wife and myself warm, in the same shirt. :)

It’s sad to think about how many vets we have here in the US have been abandoned by our govt. I see homeless vets every day. Not one of them should be without a home or forced to do without medical attention or food. It’s shameful

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