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New Propellers


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Nov 28, 2018
Is it necessary to buy DJI propellers for $20 or is the ones from $7 and up good enough? Any recommendations?
I found that buying cheap, you end up buying twice. Once being the cheap product, the 2nd time being the OEM product you should have gotten the 1st time!
OEM DJI props were designed for the Mavic Air and tested extensively by DJI. They are made well and work well. There's really no need to venture elsewhere. If you beware of the trees and other obstacles, your props should last a long time.
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Props are so cheap relative to the cost of the drone that they are probably the very last thing I would cheap out on other than maybe batteries. Critical parts are not a place you ever want to try save a few dollars on by buying knockoffs, especially on a $1000 drone. Not to mention I am sure it voids your warranty using aftermarket props. When I bought my drone the store threw in extra pairs for free - I imagine dealer cost is in the $2-5 range.

I am not talking about the OP, but just as a general comment, I've noticed over the years with expensive photography equipment, drones, etc. there are so many people who have no problem dropping $4500+ on a camera or $2000 on a drone, and then they go out of their way to save $5 by buying a poor quality memory card, battery, or some other critical part that later ends up not only voiding their warranty, but failing and costing them WAY more, either in terms of money, time, or lost irreplaceable footage/photos.

The tire analogy above is a good one. Would you buy a Ferrari and then put the cheapest recycled unproven tires on it that you could find? Probably not, given that it is arguably the most important part being your only connection to the road. Props are no different - they are the only thing keeping you in the air, and OEM props will also not put any unnecessary stress or vibrations on the motors.

Just buy the DJI props :)
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If you want to get genuine DJI, check this out - $3.19 per pair:
With this price, I specifically inquired if these were DJI OEM, and was assured, in writing, that it was the case. Maybe they are, and maybe they're not... not much money to lose if they aren't the real deal.

If you want a color other than black, you have no DJI option.
If you want "banded" props, to appear as contrasting, concentric circles from above or below, you're out of luck.

BTW, I have flown with non-OEM props (different colors) on my MA and find no difference in performance. I have yet to hear of any cases where a third party prop has failed in flight, or shown abnormal wear during pre-flight (yes, we should all do pre-flight checks). MA props are really quite simple, having no moving parts, like the hinges in folding props. There's a video on YouTube where a guy deliberately cuts progressively larger pieces of a blade (don't recall which DJI drone); up to a certain point it can still take off, fly, and safely land, although it does wobble....interesting viewing.

A blade could conceivably crack, but that's not likely given that they are a relatively soft plastic, especially if you do pre-flight inspection. BTW, the DJI props are also plastic. What's to say they won't crack? Has DJI flex tested them?

Balance is important too, but it's not hard to check the balance of any prop.

I'd be curious if anyone can point me to an analysis of OEM vs third-party, based on facts, and not just nebulous warnings.

I remember a lot of warnings about non-OEM inkjet and laser cartridges that were overblown or just wrong. What's to say a third party prop can't exceed the DJI spec??

ADDED: One last thing to consider...maybe the third party props are even made in the same factory, on the same equipment, with the same materials???
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I'd not try and save a couple of £'s or $'s on 3rd party copies of DJI Prop's after spending what I did to get my Mavic Pro Platinum ... However, I have gone the opposite way and spent more on quality-built, reliable and reputable Master Airscrew 'Stealth' prop's for my MPP. They are now my prop' of choice.
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