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Welcome to the forums - great place to learn and get your questions answered. FYI your video never posted.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
To post your video, you will need to upload to You Tube and then post the link back here on your thread!
Good luck and Happy safe flights!
Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .Thumbswayup
Hey guys, I am new to the Mavic Mini, looking for some places to fly in Woodville, AL, Scottsboro, AL, or Huntsville, AL. Took some footage off of Grant Mountain today. Forgive me I was a little nervous, being as how it is my first DJI Drone. and the drop off that mountain is quite steep. I hope you all enjoy.

Thanks guys for the tips I will be posting a YouTube link shortly. However, I’m new to the editing so please don’t go to hard on me for jerking the camera and not editing it out. Like I said the YouTube link will post shortly
Hey guys, I am new to the Mavic Mini, looking for some places to fly in Woodville, AL, Scottsboro, AL, or Huntsville, AL. Took some footage off of Grant Mountain today. Forgive me I was a little nervous, being as how it is my first DJI Drone. and the drop off that mountain is quite steep. I hope you all enjoy.

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Welcome to the forum from the deserts of Arizona! Enjoy.
We all are learning.

BTW, will try later but your vid link to YouTube didn’t work just now.
Possible hints from a user...
Don’t use attach files, if you did. YouTube vids should load and present a permanent picture link just by copy/paste of the “share” code.... be sure the vid is set to public on prefs in YouTube.
Welcome to the community mgardner36460 . . . we are happy to have you. Nice video too! When shooting these types of videos it helps to go into Cinematic mode; it slows the movements down a bit.

You can find places to fly and meet-ups "HERE" . . .
Not bad at all for a first go.

Looks like you already know what you have to practice at so keep it up.

When editing it can be a good idea to do 2 versions, a long one for your personal viewing and a short one to host on line, as a lot of members point out you have to keep the viewer interested and a lot have a short attention span .
I have mentioned in the past that our video’s are like holiday snaps in that you should only show people a select few of the interesting ones as they only remember the bad ones like the one where you cut someone's head off.
I know can be a little heart braking ruthlessly editing out your lovely video but your viewers don't have the memory’s of the day like you do so short & sweet to keep the interest.
I look back at some of my attempts that I was proud of at the time and think why did I leave that in & I should have shortened that part.

Remember it’s all about having fun and you will learn all the time so have fun and fly.
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Does anyone besides me see the irony in the selected song for this video? Flying a Mavic Mini and selecting the song “like a rock”. With all the reports of Mavic Minis “falling out of the sky Like A Rock” Hahahaha. Sorry, I have a weird sense of humor!
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