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newb here just got a Mavic Air


New Member
Apr 13, 2020
BC, Canada
Been flying for a couple weeks now and just discovered this forum. Nobody I know actively flies a drone and you can only learn so much from youtube lol I'm excited to lurk this place hard. I wasn't intending on making an intro post but figured I should before I start posting questions. Has anyone ever been attacked by a bird???
Been flying for a couple weeks now and just discovered this forum. Nobody I know actively flies a drone and you can only learn so much from youtube lol I'm excited to lurk this place hard. I wasn't intending on making an intro post but figured I should before I start posting questions. Has anyone ever been attacked by a bird???

Welcome to the forum. You picked the right place to come for drone information. No , I have not been attacked by birds.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching
and stay safe.. Thumbswayup
Been flying for a couple weeks now and just discovered this forum. Nobody I know actively flies a drone and you can only learn so much from youtube lol I'm excited to lurk this place hard. I wasn't intending on making an intro post but figured I should before I start posting questions. Has anyone ever been attacked by a bird???

Welcome to the forum.
Great idea to intro post first up :)

A Magpie once swooped me riding my bike, and a Plover swooped me a while ago walking the dog.
Be aware of mating / breeding season ! ?
We once had a rescued Galah we cared for, his name was Fred . . . he loved my wife, but hated any males.
He once got hold of my ear and they can bite hard !!!

Oh, attacked a drone !!?? :p
Only swooping by a Peregrine Falcon once.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
I have had hawks dive bomb me a few times, thankfully they missed their mark.
I just moved to another location.
Been flying for a couple weeks now and just discovered this forum. Nobody I know actively flies a drone and you can only learn so much from youtube lol I'm excited to lurk this place hard. I wasn't intending on making an intro post but figured I should before I start posting questions. Has anyone ever been attacked by a bird???
Welcome, and yes...many of times... I had hawks, seagulls, pigeons like a flock of them. And there was one thing it all had in common... When I commanded flight, I would look up to make sure it was clear to ascend , there were no birds in sight. They all were either sitting in trees in the vicinity or they were already in flight heading in my direction. Because in each case I was in flight with no birds around then all of a sudden ""ATTACK """.... TIME TO DESCEND...SO IN A NUTSHELL.... They may not be there in site, but they are there somewhere...
Welcome to the forum. I also fly a MA, and yes, I have been under attack. Only occasionally, where I fly, but when I go to the beach, that is another story. You will find all sorts of support and comments. Wish you well on your flights. We look forward to seeing your view of the world
Congrats on getting the Air, awesome choice. It's my favorite right now, it's become my "go to" because it's such a beast!
Check out a set of ND filters for video and the Master Airscrew propellers so quiet it down a bit.
If you have questions try the search bar and you'll probably find all the answers and a couple of stories too. If not just ask, these guys totally know their stuff.
Been flying for a couple weeks now and just discovered this forum. Nobody I know actively flies a drone and you can only learn so much from youtube lol I'm excited to lurk this place hard. I wasn't intending on making an intro post but figured I should before I start posting questions. Has anyone ever been attacked by a bird???

Welcome to the forums! I also am a new flier with an Air and love it. I also don't have anyone around me that flies a drone.

The folks here have great knowledge and everyone seems to be really helpful.

The Air takes amazing images, especially when in some wind. I'm watching the body of the drone bobbing and weaving in the wind, the the picture is just rock stable. Truly amazing gimbal on it. So far seems really easy to fly, but I get nervous every time I take off.

I haven't had bird problems, yet, but I have had excitement with wildlife when we lived in the mountains of Colorado. I chased a yearling black bear cub through the woods to get a picture of it (realizing in the process it was the dumbest thing I had ever done as I thought "where is his mom?" at which point I turned around and ran faster back the way I came), chased a black bear out of our garage beating a pot with a wooden spoon (yes that does work), and even held my golden retriever dogs back by their collars to keep them away from the biggest black bear I have ever seen, as it walked by, about 20 feet away (both the bear and I knew who was in charge of the situation, and I'm glad it didn't decide to prove that to me as this may have been even more stupid than chasing the yearling bear through the woods near our house). We even got charged by a mother moose while walking our dogs at night (and we never would have seen her, or her calf if she hadn't charged out of the darkness at us. Luckily, it was a warning and she stopped charging about 10 feet away from us. She was huge!)

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