The precision landing function is very impressive. I've used it both on a landing mat as well as on a cement basketball court with lines, in both cases the MP hit its mark within a couple inches or less. I'm curious if anyone has experimented with this feature at night and using lights to help the MP recognize the landing pad or area? I used a precision takeoff while it was still pretty light out, then came in for a precision landing closer to dusk. The MP came down to about 2 feet over the landing mat and then gave an error on screen that it could not make the precision landing, it had an option to force land. It was still over the mat so GPS and or the visual landing system brought it in close enough. Taking off when its light and landing when its dark may be a bad example and a bad way to test because the landing area will look different to the MP when it comes back. I'm more curious if placing a bright flashlight beam on the pad when it takes off at night and turning it back on as it comes in will allow it to use the precision landing function at night. To the same, maybe lights around the mat etc. If anyone has tried this let me know.