Hi Guys (girls included), I am using Apower Mirror on the BT-300's and a copy on my Iphone 7+. It works but I cant get a full screen image, its tiny, too small to be of any use. When I click the rotate button it closes the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I see when I connect,
If I rotate to landscape I see this
Swiping up gives me this
If I hit the mirror button I get this.
I’m beginning to think it’s not possible to get full screen from the BT-300’s.
Ok, after extensive research and testing I have found a solution. Don’t use ApowerMirror, get EZCAST2, install it on your BT-300’s from Apk pure and on the IPad or IPhone from App Store. It works great with a scalable window you can make any size including full screen. The best thing is it’s free. Pity I spent £23 on a yearly upgrade with ApowerMirror. Now when I’m out flying my Mavic Pro anyone with me can watch via my enabled hot spot.