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No More 3000' option for Mavic?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Nov 18, 2021
North Pole, Alaska
There was a thread somewhere....Reddit? Where a fellow bemoaned a recent update that removed 3000' as an option for the Mavic 3 (series?). I told him he was probably just seeing a 1564' (or whatever) limit in the settings since he's not in a 3000' zone at the moment. I checked with my Mav3Pro and it only shows that lower option - no way to move a slider to 3000' - in spite of just flying up to 3000 feet a week ago (legally). Then I realized I have indeed done a firmware update since then and low and older Mavic 3 (not pro) shows a slider that goes to 3000' while I'm here at home. It doesn't show an option for a firmware update. Anyone know if there has actually been a change to the ability to fly to 3000' ? I'm not driving out of town to find out... I do see that the DJI Geo site still shows 3000' circles that show where you -can't- fly over 1500+ feet.... Thoughts?
There was a thread somewhere....Reddit? Where a fellow bemoaned a recent update that removed 3000' as an option for the Mavic 3 (series?). I told him he was probably just seeing a 1564' (or whatever) limit in the settings since he's not in a 3000' zone at the moment. I checked with my Mav3Pro and it only shows that lower option - no way to move a slider to 3000' - in spite of just flying up to 3000 feet a week ago (legally). Then I realized I have indeed done a firmware update since then and low and older Mavic 3 (not pro) shows a slider that goes to 3000' while I'm here at home. It doesn't show an option for a firmware update. Anyone know if there has actually been a change to the ability to fly to 3000' ? I'm not driving out of town to find out... I do see that the DJI Geo site still shows 3000' circles that show where you -can't- fly over 1500+ feet.... Thoughts?

I recently returned from a camping trip in Eastern Oregon and I'm pretty sure I updated before I left

I didn't completely test the limit of 3,280' but I'm thinking that I was able to 'remove' the 1,640' limit; just didn't exceed it

I'll be pretty aggravated if DJI foreclosed on that option
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