Spoke with Tech Support today. Eight month old battery works perfectly while I fly for an hour. Three hours later do firmware update which fails for some reason. Out to dinner. Come home and retry the update. Suddenly get error message. Battery starts flashing 2 center lights on and off. Tried to update with DJI Assistant and other tricks suggested on this forum. Nothing worked. Now all lights off. No power from battery. All parameters from the 3 batteries I own have been similar. Perfectly good normal batteries. Plane and controller works normally after update with the 2 other batteries. Tech support says the warranty is expired. Can’t help you! Sorry but that is BS! Don’t tell me a firmware missmatch error and resultant battery error disqualifies me for tech support or a repair because the batteries are more that 6 months old. They say I will have to pay$$$. Now am I out of line or is this a bunch of $$$$?