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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2019
Well, what can be expectid from an old guy. First time on a couple nights ago and I ,imeadiatly, started asking questions . I am a new pilot and my mavic air has not even been in my hand yet. Amazon promices that it will be here the day after tomorrow and im about to wet myself. watching all the videos and reading the manual on line. Anyway, Im from Bellingham washington and am a noodie pilot. Have aboyt 30 hours on a HS 100 . learning how to make the thing fly. glad to be on the forum and am looking forward to picking your brains.
Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .?
Welcome & Enjoy :)
Welcome to the forum @PoonDog the search ? Icon, top right of page is a useful tool to use if needed.?
Welcome to the forum! :)
Well, what can be expectid from an old guy. First time on a couple nights ago and I ,imeadiatly, started asking questions . I am a new pilot and my mavic air has not even been in my hand yet. Amazon promices that it will be here the day after tomorrow and im about to wet myself. watching all the videos and reading the manual on line. Anyway, Im from Bellingham washington and am a noodie pilot. Have aboyt 30 hours on a HS 100 . learning how to make the thing fly. glad to be on the forum and am looking forward to picking your brains.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots from Dayton Ohio USA! Enjoy your new Mavic Air when it arrives, Fly safe and have fun!

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