View attachment 13190 Got some bad news ...Tried the same setup like DigDat0 with double Multistar 3000 mah LiHv ... and it was my first ever double battery very excited.. was flying and flying ...and happy my total percentage of the Mavic didn,t get lower then 99%

... yes, stupid beginner mistake ... so as i was at 45000 feet,i thought..may better to i knew Digdat was landing at 20% after 40 k ...on the way back after like another 10 k feet ,got a warming...low battery...landing... total surprised and shocked was checking the terrain to find a good landing place...and still hoping to make it back to Switzerland ... but there was thiis big river just in front...anyway.. few feets more got a motor problem warning and i see a fast movement of the copter.. and later in the logs,that the bird went down with like 30-40miles per second....then i lost the contact like still 300-500 + feet above the Cornfield... so to be plan what happend ... the first 25 k feet on this route are well known terrain for me,since i did alot of Stock flights with P3 and Inspire there,but this region i just know from 3 flights before.. 1 with
mavic 2 days before on 35 k feet...and 2 with P3 about the same... sooooooooooooo.. Took my car and went there....with 4 Copters in my car over the boarder of find my mavic...this time didn,t really know ,if he just was landing or falling..ok..still not 100% sure...but ptretty much...and as i arrived to search him with the find my drone app in go 4...but as i was still flying as i lost was in a 6 feet high cornfield....the farmer where close with is Tractor...some people decided to fly with my P3 and
P4 to make videos from above...but very hard to see on the IPad...after like 4 hours searching,as it got dark...went home and try to analyse with DigDat(thanks for your help mate) what could have been happen...still in shame to ignore that never going down battery level...and to check the videos...but i was flying to much North, i guess... the downloaded KLM file from healthy drones showed the direction anf hight ,when i lost it... so i liked to go take a move today with the help of my girlfriend,but...raining all day ...there is a saying in switzerland...1 bad thing never comes allone

...even the day started nice,as i got a
Phantom 4 Pro from my Reseller,for a bird i lost in the sea of Thailand after a 6 Miles Stock flight...anyway....Just to be more sure what happend,i,d like to find it...i think more then the Sd Card and Powerclip will be anyway trash

... just wanted to let you know...and may we find out together .... and sorry for my english is not my native language ..