My issue is fear of breaking it .. i got the Mavic for portability and flight time, but can't turn down a few distance flights. I crashed and broke my camera doing a simple active track of my daughter playing soccer, have replaced 3 gimbal ribbon cables and have ~$200 into replacement parts between those ribbons and gimbal motor (and its still not working right). I borrowed Mavic from a buddy for my Hawaii trip, which I'm ended up owning through a trade (i even renamed that bird "YouCantModThis"). I'm at the point where i just want the darn thing to work so i can take it back packing and take some pics of the kids/family/scenery. Because its size, I'll take it places I would never have taken the bulky P3 and really enjoy that aspect.
But, the thing that turns me off the most is the flight characteristics in autolanding. On the p3 and
p4, we can run hard to 0% with very little affect on flight characteristics. On the Mavic, not only is it capping speed during autoland (10mph+ difference in speed is huge), but its not always controllable as you, Nate and unknown and others have all noted. For me thats a huge turn off, i don't mind the aircraft going down if its cause i risked too much and fell at 0% (which we both know has happened to me

), but i dont like going down because the flight itself is not controllable because of programming. I guess what i'm saying is, its much less predictable and feels like rolling the dice every time, whereas on my p3 I feel like its an educated choice and some skill which comes into play. The mavic is taking the skill out of piloting below 10% and its not trustworthy, and takes that aspect of fun. I fly long not just to get a spot on the board, but to push the limits of the hardware and my own piloting skills. For the Mavic, i only trust that to 10% .. and its just not fun anymore at that point.