This is my second Mavic. The 1st one did not have this problem. This one shows compass interference when the gimbal is tilted from about 120-170 degrees. I have flown it for 35 hours and know the condition well. The interference is rectified completely when the camera angle is level or only slightly tilted forward (90-115 degrees) or at 180 degrees. I have experimented and isolated the problem. It can be create and rectified at will. I observed that even when showing compass interference that I have complete control. And that the indicator on the tablet turns in sync with the aircraft. Therefore my question... Other than on take off, landing and RTH... is there some danger in flying with it showing compass interference? Can compass interference affect GPS? Or any other electronic feature that controls flight? come on Captains... please dig into your expertise. I believe drones flew without compasses for years. Thanks for your enlightenment.