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Opinions please. Buying Air1 vs Air2 in 2022


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Feb 11, 2022
I am thinking of buying a lightly used Mavic air1 fly more package for $330. Do you guys think it’s worth it or spend like $500 on a used air2 fly more package instead? I am pretty new to the drones and am not a professional photographer but trying to get into it as a hobby and for vids and pics on vacation and hiking. Only drone I had before was a spark. Is it worth it for $330 for the original air in 2022 or wait for an air2 for $500? Opinions greatly appreciated!
Hello from the Crossroads of America alex38313.

Only drone I had before was a spark.

That was my first drone as well. Tough little bird.

When the MA1 was released, I thought about upgrading to the Mavic line with the assumption it had the OcuSync transmission system like its bigger brothers, but it has enhanced Wi-Fi. instead that may not be as good. 🤔

The MA1 may be a fine aircraft, but when the MA2 was released, I knew this was the upgrade I wanted to the humble little Spark.

Good luck and welcome to the Forum. 😎
MA1 batteries are obsolete, and no aftermarket ones available as far as I am aware . . . that’s one important consideration.

Lightly used might mean the package sat around unused for long periods, and that can lead to damaged batteries if they depleted too far in voltage.

Make sure flymore batts are A1, reasonably low charge cycle counts, cells all ok and balance fine when charged.

Another is MA1 is wifi and a little less range, though my brother in-laws regularly got him well out to VLOS range in good signal LOS situations.

If choice is MA1 or Air 2, spend the extra $170, again extra care with battery condition, a test flight and check if those is a great idea for 2nd hand if possible to buy local.

The Air 2 is a fine aircraft, but as long as you watch maximum wind speeds, have you considered the Mini 2 ?
This is probably equal to many aspects of the Air 2, no obstacle avoidance, but similar camera output, and same excellent flight stability etc.
An excellent starting drone, and you might even find a brand new flymore package is at a reasonable cost too.
MA1 batteries are obsolete, and no aftermarket ones available as far as I am aware . . . that’s one important consideration.

Lightly used might mean the package sat around unused for long periods, and that can lead to damaged batteries if they depleted too far in voltage.

Make sure flymore batts are A1, reasonably low charge cycle counts, cells all ok and balance fine when charged.

Another is MA1 is wifi and a little less range, though my brother in-laws regularly got him well out to VLOS range in good signal LOS situations.

If choice is MA1 or Air 2, spend the extra $170, again extra care with battery condition, a test flight and check if those is a great idea for 2nd hand if possible to buy local.

The Air 2 is a fine aircraft, but as long as you watch maximum wind speeds, have you considered the Mini 2 ?
This is probably equal to many aspects of the Air 2, no obstacle avoidance, but similar camera output, and same excellent flight stability etc.
An excellent starting drone, and you might even find a brand new flymore package is at a reasonable cost too.
You have some very good points I was thinking about the batteries also. They have about 20-25 cycles each. I also did consider the mini but it canceled it out once I learned it did not have the obstacle avoidance feature. But the battery’s hard to find on the Air1 is kinda worrying even if I have 3. Who knows when some can die on me.
You have some very good points I was thinking about the batteries also. They have about 20-25 cycles each. I also did consider the mini but it canceled it out once I learned it did not have the obstacle avoidance feature. But the battery’s hard to find on the Air1 is kinda worrying even if I have 3. Who knows when some can die on me.

Yeah the Mini is just as obsolete now so good you cancelled that, the Mini 2 is much improved.
Honestly, I never use (need) obstacle avoidance on my 2 drones (M1P and Spark), unless you want to have it just in case, it’s rarely needed for most reasonably careful pilots.
Perhaps if a pilot uses RTH a lot in really rugged terrain, and hasn’t set altitude correctly it could be handy, I feel most would rarely see it kick in.
You actually have to turn it off to fly with stability in close quarters type flying to objects.
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The Air batteries are still available from Amazon. At $200 each for 2750 mah. Air 2/2S batteries at 3500 mah are $120.
Good to know, and I recall that the pricing is relative now to something like ‘hens teeth’ rarity.
Really still prices the MA out of range if existing batteries were suspect.
The more replies From you guys I read the more I’m thinking the air1 fly more combo for $330 might not be the smart move even at that price. Maybe wait a little and spend bit more for the air2. I’d consider a mini 2 but it don’t have the sensors which I find important.
I am thinking of buying a lightly used Mavic air1 fly more package for $330. Do you guys think it’s worth it or spend like $500 on a used air2 fly more package instead? I am pretty new to the drones and am not a professional photographer but trying to get into it as a hobby and for vids and pics on vacation and hiking. Only drone I had before was a spark. Is it worth it for $330 for the original air in 2022 or wait for an air2 for $500? Opinions greatly appreciated!
There's nothing to decide , if your deciding between the two, it has to be the MA2, both for features and spares. And then there's connectivity, and ease of set up. If you can afford the MA2?, go for that 100%.
A2 is much quieter, a consideration where you plan to fly. Figure you’ve made up your mind by now. A1 not a deal.
Enjoy, you’re gonna have FUN
Ps: put ph# on drone, it will find its way home..eventually
I am thinking of buying a lightly used Mavic air1 fly more package for $330. Do you guys think it’s worth it or spend like $500 on a used air2 fly more package instead? I am pretty new to the drones and am not a professional photographer but trying to get into it as a hobby and for vids and pics on vacation and hiking. Only drone I had before was a spark. Is it worth it for $330 for the original air in 2022 or wait for an air2 for $500? Opinions greatly appreciated!
I am thinking of buying a lightly used Mavic air1 fly more package for $330. Do you guys think it’s worth it or spend like $500 on a used air2 fly more package instead? I am pretty new to the drones and am not a professional photographer but trying to get into it as a hobby and for vids and pics on vacation and hiking. Only drone I had before was a spark. Is it worth it for $330 for the original air in 2022 or wait for an air2 for $500? Opinions greatly appreciated!
I’ve been flying DJI drones since they first came out about 7 years ago. I’m on my 6th and most likely last drone , an Air2. Unless you are flying for a business, the A2 is all you need.
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I am thinking of buying a lightly used Mavic air1 fly more package for $330. Do you guys think it’s worth it or spend like $500 on a used air2 fly more package instead? I am pretty new to the drones and am not a professional photographer but trying to get into it as a hobby and for vids and pics on vacation and hiking. Only drone I had before was a spark. Is it worth it for $330 for the original air in 2022 or wait for an air2 for $500? Opinions greatly appreciated!
I think that there is a night and day difference! Lot's of information on this in Your Tubes. I sold my Air 1 and the images and videos I have seen fro the Air 2 s could never have been possible with the Air 1.
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I bought an MA1 2020, my error was not really looking into it, 2021 I could not find anywhere that I could buy new batteries in Europe, ( I'm in the UK ) can find 2nd hand batteries that cost a stupid price but I will not buy 2nd hand, I did find new batteries in the USA but they will not send over to the UK, I don't need new batteries as of yet but that day will come. I do love my MA1 easy to carry around the camera is ok for me I am not a photographer I just wanted a drone that could take pictures plus video. I am hoping a 3rd party may bring out batteries for the MA1 soon I hate the fact that when my batteries die the drone will become a dust collector on a shelf. Check on battery availability first for me I would go for the MA2
I bought an MA1 2020, my error was not really looking into it, 2021 I could not find anywhere that I could buy new batteries in Europe, ( I'm in the UK ) can find 2nd hand batteries that cost a stupid price but I will not buy 2nd hand, I did find new batteries in the USA but they will not send over to the UK, I don't need new batteries as of yet but that day will come. I do love my MA1 easy to carry around the camera is ok for me I am not a photographer I just wanted a drone that could take pictures plus video. I am hoping a 3rd party may bring out batteries for the MA1 soon I hate the fact that when my batteries die the drone will become a dust collector on a shelf. Check on battery availability first for me I would go for the MA2
The other day, I thought it might be a good time to do an optical calibration on my Mavic 2 Pro. I actually had trouble finding it on the website! Although I tried for 30 minutes using the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic, I was not able to calibrate the green corners with the red corners. I gave up finally. It still flies ok.

My point being, my Mavic 2 Pro is becoming outmoded already. This is just another planned obsolescence phasing out so they sell their new products instead. I learned from this to sell earlier rather than later and upgrade to the new model, whether it be a new car or a new drone.
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The other day, I thought it might be a good time to do an optical calibration on my Mavic 2 Pro. I actually had trouble finding it on the website! Although I tried for 30 minutes using the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic, I was not able to calibrate the green corners with the red corners. I gave up finally. It still flies ok.

My point being, my Mavic 2 Pro is becoming outmoded already. This is just another planned obsolescence phasing out so they sell their new products instead. I learned from this to sell earlier rather than later and upgrade to the new model, whether it be a new car or a new drone.
You are so right, I do still like DJI drones but I do think that DJI is very naughty I always understand a company had to make parts to cover a consumer of the said product for up to 5 years after the manufacturer had stopped producing the said product, yet I cannot buy a brand new battery within 12 months of buying my MA1, Products these days should be made to last as long as is possible but they still make a totally new shape battery for all the drones they produce, like the bigger part of any company is to sell sell sell get that money coming in & keep it coming in, One of the subjects that really gets to me, lol
Yes, I've read some here even this morning in threads considering 2nd hand M2P/Z because they want a better drone, but aren't prepared to go with a M3 yet due to still refining that.
I think, it's almost over for that drone too, just there might be an answer for batteries for a while when they get scarce, and using the M2E batteries (which should be around for a while yet).

I'm very lucky to have my M1P still from 2017, 6 perfect batteries, great accessories, but one day it will be forced from the air, unless I go with aftermarket batteries when needed (or crash it sooner !).
Likewise, I have 5 perfect batteries for the Spark, so have some flight options.

I really like the Air2s, but I can see in another 3 or so years that DJI will do exactly the same, keep pilots moving (forced) into another purchase.

Cinematic FPV is looking better and better as time goes by, the tech is getting almost to DJI level for stability, RTH options, etc, and for pilots that don't want / need all the bells & whistles, it produces some stunning footage.
(They aren't for photography users though.)
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