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Other People's Etiquette Around Drones



I'm starting to run into this a lot and was wondering how other drone pilots tell other people that are bugging them to frankly go away. When I am flying, I am trying to pay attention to the drone and the flying and someone walks up and tries to start a conversation and puts the whole operation at risk. What I do now is fly home or RTH and take the time to talk with them until they are satisfied at which point they usually walk away. Its a waste of a great video shot and it sometimes cannot be recreated. Any idea of a better way to handle it?
Not necessarily. Sometimes being rude is the right answer.
Try this:
“Hi, Ide love to talk but (not taking your eyes off the drone or your screen) I’m working on a project, I can talk if your still around later, thanks!”

Do not make eye contact and ignore any other questions as though you are (and likely you are) working.
Well, Im a curious guy.. and ONLY because I am on this forum for a short while do I know the proper etiquette around a drone pilot. so NOW, I know, not to go up and start asking curious questions. However before , I may have went up and asked a question or two.
If you don't want to talk to me, simply tell me you need to stay focused on the drone and safety at hand.. I'll simply back away and either leave wishing you good luck, or stand around until you land and talk.
'I have several neat wheeled toys I like to ride and race, so people frequently stop me and ask me questions. I Love talking about my bikes so its not issue to me, however knowing Im not riding Im standing there answering questions, there really is no safety factor involved.. BUT likewise, the way I love everything motorcycle related and talking about, I naturally assume that folks that love their drone, like to talk about them as well.. After all, your on a forum discussions your hobby!
Some of us newbies simply need a little prod about the safety aspect and concentration needed for YOUR hobby (and soon mine) thats all!
If you’re flying recreationallly, doesn’t take more than a minute or two to let off sticks and hover while you explain what’s going on...unless they ‘re somewhat familiar with drones, most people don’t understand the focus involved in flying one
Being rude is not a good way to promote drone popularity acceptance. It gets enough bad publicity as it is by careless pilots. Diplomacy sells the sport.
I'm starting to run into this a lot and was wondering how other drone pilots tell other people that are bugging them to frankly go away. When I am flying, I am trying to pay attention to the drone and the flying and someone walks up and tries to start a conversation and puts the whole operation at risk. What I do now is fly home or RTH and take the time to talk with them until they are satisfied at which point they usually walk away. Its a waste of a great video shot and it sometimes cannot be recreated. Any idea of a better way to handle it?
It's not a cheap option but maybe keep a pair of goggles they can view events through. Until not long a go, I really didn't think these sorts of drones were accessible price wise to all but the pros, and in truth, I've never seen a drone in flight nor anyone flying one, so such a device would seriously intrigue I would suggest, most
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If you’re flying recreationallly, doesn’t take more than a minute or two to let off sticks and hover while you explain what’s going on...unless they ‘re somewhat familiar with drones, most people don’t understand the focus involved in flying one
I've tried that, and then I waste battery time and lose focus on my flight plan. That just didn't work for me. Once I start talking, they don't stop for 10-15 minutes. And I cant afford that kind of loss of flight time in my project.
It's not a cheap option but maybe keep a pair of goggles they can view events through. Until not long a go, I really didn't think these sorts of drones were accessible price wise to all but the pros, and in truth, I've never seen a drone in flight nor anyone flying one, so such a device would seriously intrigue I would suggest, most

I think encouraging them is the wrong direction and I am not comfortable with letting someone handle a $500 pair of goggles while I am working the drone. I see theft potential there.

One of my very first video cameras was stolen in a similar situation 20 years ago. Its technology is worthless now, but it changed the way I think of people. It was used at a church dance. Nice huh?
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Well, Im a curious guy.. and ONLY because I am on this forum for a short while do I know the proper etiquette around a drone pilot. so NOW, I know, not to go up and start asking curious questions. However before , I may have went up and asked a question or two.
If you don't want to talk to me, simply tell me you need to stay focused on the drone and safety at hand.. I'll simply back away and either leave wishing you good luck, or stand around until you land and talk.
'I have several neat wheeled toys I like to ride and race, so people frequently stop me and ask me questions. I Love talking about my bikes so its not issue to me, however knowing Im not riding Im standing there answering questions, there really is no safety factor involved.. BUT likewise, the way I love everything motorcycle related and talking about, I naturally assume that folks that love their drone, like to talk about them as well.. After all, your on a forum discussions your hobby!
Some of us newbies simply need a little prod about the safety aspect and concentration needed for YOUR hobby (and soon mine) thats all!

I had a business where I used to sell ATV performance parts. It was extremely popular and everybody, I mean EVERYBODY would come up to me on the dunes and talk about it. This would go for at least 5 to 10 hours in one day. Shortly before I sold the business, I went out on the dunes and kept my helmet on after I stopped to take in the view of the sunrise. 2 minutes after I stopped, someone else came up right next to me and said, "Hey arent you that On-Dunes guy? What do you think about ......" I sold it two weeks later and never regretted it.

I never post a full face photo or vid of myself on my channel or my vids. I just want to do the project and am not at all interested in being a full time ambassador. Why? I have real work to do.
If you’re flying recreationallly, doesn’t take more than a minute or two to let off sticks and hover while you explain what’s going on...unless they ‘re somewhat familiar with drones, most people don’t understand the focus involved in flying one

I'm not flying recreationally
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Being rude is not a good way to promote drone popularity acceptance. It gets enough bad publicity as it is by careless pilots. Diplomacy sells the sport.

Last year I had someone at the aerodrome where I fly come up to my Mavic Pro and start handling it. I got rude and told him hands off. Nobody in any model airplane club lets strangers handle their planes or drones. He got rude to me back, and I felt I had to call the police. They chatted with him and he is no problem anymore.

Last week I was filming with my Sony X3000 camera rig on the Oregon Coast. A man walks up to me, while my camera is rolling (red lights on) and mounted on a tri-pod, he steps in front of it, pushes his finger on my lens and says, "Is that the lens"?

My response was, "you're asking me, where your finger is, if that's the lens?" and then I smile and say, "Really?"

He got it and walked away. I will probably block someone from touching my equipment going forward. I just can't risk the cost of them damaging my cameras.
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Try this:
“Hi, Ide love to talk but (not taking your eyes off the drone or your screen) I’m working on a project, I can talk if your still around later, thanks!”

Do not make eye contact and ignore any other questions as though you are (and likely you are) working.

This is the best answer for me. Thank You.
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I think encouraging them is the wrong direction and I am not comfortable with letting someone handle a $500 pair of goggles while I am working the drone. I see theft potential there.

One of my very first video cameras was stolen in a similar situation 20 years ago. Its technology is worthless now, but it changed the way I think of people. It was used at a church dance. Nice huh?
I agree, I wouldn't do it with everyone, but most people won't steal. Equally, I won't fly everywhere either, at present I go early in the morning before most are up
This is the best answer for me. Thank You.
Another option might be just to get a cheap looking headset, I see truck drivers wearing them, have one small head phone and a mic and just say sorry you can't talk right now and pretend you're talking to someone. This way you can be polite and just ask they wait a few minutes.

I fly for my YouTube channel and right now that doesn't require an FAA License. I've been through all the courses and understand the laws and rules. I even call the local airports to get an override when needed. I would need a vest with slightly different wording.
Questions they insist on asking...

1) How many times have you crashed?
2) How long can you fly on a battery?
3) Are you taking pictures?
4) How much did it cost?
Questions they insist on asking...

1) How many times have you crashed?
2) How long can you fly on a battery?
3) Are you taking pictures?
4) How much did it cost?
OK. I, WE, can appreciate what you are saying. They can't. The only thing to do is fly when and where no one is around or have a buddy to intercept. In a way, much as I've dived solo, the rule is the buddy buddy system so if anything goes wrong, someone is around to help. Other than that get a sign made just explaining a few things and hope it works. Most people won't be doing it intentionally, they just don't realise. Did you before you got into it?
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