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Panoramas in Missions?


Nov 13, 2022
Madison, WI, USA
Just updated to latest firmware, and panoramas are no longer an option for missions.

I have several "Live Recorded" missions that included panoramas at set locations. This action has disappeared from the waypoint, it is not possible to add via the map, live recording, or as an 'action' when editing the mission.

Can anyone suggest a workaround?
Couldn't you set to to hold shoot the pano and continue? Something like that?
I dug into the exported KMZ of a previous mission, and I'm wondering if the panorama is dictated by this code- I really don't understand it.

That WPML code defines an "Action Group" -- a group of actions to execute at a waypoint.

The start index is "19" which means it is exectuted at waypoint #20. The individual actions will occur in "sequence" instead of "parallel". The "reachPoint" value instructs the drone to begin execution when the drone reaches the waypoint.

Two actions are defined. The first is to change the aircraft heading to -12 degrees. The second is to change the gimbal pitch angle to -12 degrees and the gimbal yaw to -11.9 degrees.
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Would you be able to share the WPML code for a Panorama?
To see the WPML code, follow these steps:

  1. Create a simple panorama mission using my "Litchi Mission to Panorama Mission" utility.
  2. Convert that mission using my "Litchi Mission to DJI Fly Waypoints" utility.
  3. Unzip the resulting KMZ file and then view the "waylines.wpml" file using a plain text editor.
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To see the WPML code, follow these steps:

  1. Create a simple panorama mission using my "Litchi Mission to Panorama Mission" utility.
  2. Convert that mission using my "Litchi Mission to DJI Fly Waypoints" utility.
  3. Unzip the resulting KMZ file and then view the "waylines.wpml" file using a plain text editor.

Yeah, I tried that, but the resulting waylines.wpml file is empty. I can see in the csv "how" the pano works, but I was hoping to just cut/paste the sequence into some of my older .wpml files.
Yeah, I tried that, but the resulting waylines.wpml file is empty.
Ahh yes. You have a Mavic 3 Enterprise. DJI is not consistent in how their various M3 drones interact with the data in the KMZ file.

For the Mavic 3 Enterprise, the waylines.wpml file will be empty. For this drone you must look in the template.kml file for the WPML instructions. If you were to create a KMZ file for the Mavic 3 (pro-sumer drones), the WPML data would be in the waylines.wpml file.

I was hoping to just cut/paste the sequence into some of my older .wpml files

A simple cut and paste is unlikely to work. "Action Groups" must reference specific waypoint "Index IDs". You can try copying and pasting but unless you understand the language and make the necessary tweaks, it is unlikely to work.
Couldn't you set to to hold shoot the pano and continue? Something like that?

Tried this out on a job this week, and it is really annoying. Running the pano stops the waypoint mission. Then it needs to be 'resumed', which involves re-sending the mission, and depending on exactly when the mission was paused, flying to the breakpoint. Essentially unusable in my opinion. My work around will be to have the waypoints loaded on the map, and just fly to them manually. Will require manually noting and adjusting altitude. Luckily my projects generally only have 5 or 6 panos.
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