@Winiwinston - Might I suggest you re-word your poll question? That's like when I ask the Misses, "Do you want pizza or spaghetti?" and she answers "Yes". Your question, "Is it fake or not fake" is not a yes or no question. Thus change your choices to "Fake" and "Not Fake", or change the question to read, "Do you think this is fake?"... Make sense?
On an aside, and to
@DroneOn's point, you probably do want to rename your YT video to include the words "FAKE" in the title. Maybe even add it in the description - although we know no one reads those.
He has a legitimate point of this ending up at all the anti-drone sites, only adding fuel to the paranoia. Remember this video?
Read the description of that video to find out how fake videos like this can grow legs... and these wouldn't be good legs.