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Point of origin?


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
Is range directly linked to take off point? Yesterday I tried tracking and range ran out at the controller set range even though I had controller in the car with me. When I got out of the car to try and take control the Air refused to move toward me, the controller kept telling me I had reached maximum range even though I was only 50 metres from the Air.
It has GPS, over 11 satellites most of the time. What do I need to look at in settings?
There should be a setting in the app. Start at the first one and check all of them. I’ll look and see where it is or someone else may jump in.
Click on the aircraft symbol which will take you to a screen that has your home point setting, intelligent flight mode setting,return to home altitude and so on. You will find the max altitude and max distance there.
Thanks for that, I did find that and change it. Does the air still use take off point as point of origin? Is the distance on the controller the distance from the controller or from take off point? This can vary considerably if you are in a vehicle or walking.
I’ve not done the car thing, so not sure. What was the distance setting before you changed it?
The distance was set at 480 before I tried the tracking, the Air stopped at exactly that. What I'm trying to understand is why the distance is not taken from the controller rather than the take off point.
If you had one setting that was not what you wanted, you may want to check the rest of them. RTH altitude is one to really pay attention to. 70 meters is what I use. Just make sure it’s higher by 50/70 feet more than anything you’re buzzing around.
Ok thanks for that, I have the max alt set at 120 metres which is our reg height limit.
The controller has no gps hardware. Only the ac.
But the controller does "borrow" from the mobile device's GPS in some situations.

When you're above VPS range, the telemetry attribute at that spot on the display reflects distance to remote, or more accurately, the connected mobile device.
So, if you had a 100' USB cable, that reading could be 100' from your remote.
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