Yes. I should have mentioned this on page 1 as well. Homeowners/renters insurance only covers theft/loss, with police report. It does not cover you if you crash your Mavic into a tree or it flies away. Same as if your air conditioner breaks down or your washer/dryer quits working. There is always a deductible (typically $500-$1000) but of course, you can pay a higher premium to make this $0. cc:
On the other hand, PAP insurance covers EVERYTHING with the exception for intentional destruction of goods (that's fraud). And the typical deductible is $0. This is why most people get PAP insurance for their higher priced jewelry, firearm, electronics, etc.
If you can get PAP insurance from State Farm, then get it ASAP. There is a good chance that that this deal won't last long. I was with SF back in 2010 when they offered PAP insurance for smartphones. It was only $30/year premium. Once the claims started rolling in, SF canceled all policies. SF will generally cancel programs if the loss rate > 50%. Basically that means if 1 in 9 make a claim for a new Mavic, then this is considered a bad program (9 people = $540 in premium; $1000 mavic; 54% loss rate). I'd get a PAP insurance in heartbeat, but I'm in California, and they don't offer drone PAP here. If anyone knows a California carrier for drones, then please let me know.
EDIT: The above is the general rule for insurance in the USA. Ask your agent for more information, and make sure you get everything in writing. I was in the insurance industry for 3 years, and I've seen too many agents say things that were not true.