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Pre-order and Shipping Times - Who Will Get the Mavic First?

has any one that ordered DJI direct from amazon store front has been charged yet ? I ordered 9/27 my order says preparing for shipment since the order was placed.
has any one that ordered DJI direct from amazon store front has been charged yet ? I ordered 9/27 my order says preparing for shipment since the order was placed.
Mine is the same, "preparing for shipment" since the 27th. My credit card had a pre-auth against it on the day of order, but it was never finalized and has now expired, so no charge yet.
Interesting... This is my first DJI product, but it seems a bit odd to schedule a product release for mid-Oct and also be picking beta testers later in Oct for a firmware update to that same product. Is this typical for prior DJI products/releases?
Improving the firmware of a new product is an ongoing and never ending project. Once user feedback is evaluated it may very well be necessary to improve or make changes. They will need a beta testing team in place to test those changes in the wild.
Shipping Updates:

B&H - unknown/refused to give any details. They are closed for a Jewish holiday until October 26th so the earliest they would ship out is that day. Update 10/13: They have now updated their page to say that they're shipping at the end of October. Update 10/14: Inquired about my order placed 9/28 via chat and the CSR said "I have looked into this for you and currently your order is estimated to arrive at our warehouse by 10/28. As soon as we receive it in stock we will ship your order to you, and e-mail you with the tracking information. I apologize for this delay and any inconvenience it may have caused you." so as of now, B&H are getting their Mavic stock on October 28th.

Drone Nerds - They will not receive their stock until mid-November.

Best Buy - The manager at a local store didn't see it on their list of upcoming deliveries this week, and their website still says they are shipping out October 31st.

Atlanta Hobby - "DJI has not given us any concrete shipment dates. DJI first stated that shipment should start around the middle of October however we are hearing rumors that date has been pushed back. I'm sorry but we just don't have the information to provide any specific dates or details on this product shipment times."

Drone World - Heard word directly from DJI that the release date has been pushed back and they will not ship out until early November. They weren't sure if this was just for them, for all resellers in general, or for ALL preorders.

DJI - According to a chat, they will only ship Mavics ordered within the first two hours of Sept 27th on October 15th. Orders from Sept 28th onward will be shipped mid-November. New chat mentioned two days instead of two hours. Confusion abound.

Newegg - Webpage says it will be shipped 10/25.

Apple - No definitive dates, just 'November'.

Post your retailer, order date (PDT if possible), and ship out date when available! Let's see who receives the item first!
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
drapers           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 09:03am      ???
Deckyon           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 09:20am      ???
darkneo           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 10.00am      ???
Jason Strutland   Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 10:03am      ???
APD FPV           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 10:30am      ???
Zandian           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 10:50am      ???
Morgon            Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 10:50am      ???
TopQuark          Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 11:12am      ???
edoginasia        Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 12:00am      ???
Wavfact           Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 12:53pm      ???
TheLightSpeedz    Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 ?            ???
dinglehead        Amazon (DJI)          Sep 27 ?            ???
Theron            DJI                   Sep 27 09:10am      ???
sdharris          DJI                   Sep 27 09:37am      ???
evezina           DJI                   Sep 27 10:37am      ???
Covenantelite30   DJI                   Sep 27 01:23pm      ???
Chevytwonova      DJI                   Sep 27 02:06pm      ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
aaronlinc         DJI                   Sep 27 02:09pm      ???
FredzMaxxUAV      DJI                   Sep 27 02:28pm      ???
Benglian          DJI                   Sep 27 02:35pm      ???
Yourguide         DJI                   Sep 27 03:08pm      ???
dennya            DJI                   Sep 27 03:35pm      ???
RiZe-TommyGun     DJI                   Sep 27 03:38pm      ???
djholt            DJI                   Sep 27 05:10pm      ???
Vicrimo           DJI                   Sep 27 05:37pm      ???
Shaw10            DJI                   Sep 27 09:24pm      ???
Doug Mellen       DJI                   Sep 27 12:22pm      ???
Iknman            DJI                   Sep 27 01:42pm      ???
Perry Jefferies   DJI                   Sep 27 evening      ???
KingDad1985       DJI                   Sep 27 ?            ???
RkyMtn4695        DJI                   Sep 27 ?            ???
mstampfli         Carolina Dronz        Sep 27 10:29am      ???
Swil526         Sep 27 afternoon    ???
dinglehead        Sep 27 ?            ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
Multicoptertec    BHPhoto               Sep 27 ?            ???
crazyrider        BHPhoto               Sep 27 ?            ???
crazyrider        Adorama               Sep 27 ?            ???
downunder         Riseabove             Sep 27 09:45am      ???
Peterev           Hobby Mounts (UK)     Sep 27 05:00pm      ???
Sapperx76         Apple                 Sep 27 ?            ???
Tony Perry        DJI                   Sep 28 04:10am      ???
Rick A            DJI                   Sep 28              ???
Dean Ward         DJI                   Sep 28              ???
Kilrah            DJI                   Sep 28              ???
RFlagg            DJI                   Sep 28              ???
Blue Skies        DJI                   Sep 28              ???
MavicPro          DJI                   Sep 28              ???
J v P             DJI                   Sep 28              ???
Cristhian Lacerda        Sep 28              ???
hudster           Best Buy              Sep 28              ???
Bigdz             Amazon (Yitamotors)   Sep 28              ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
Snoweman          Amazon (Drone World)  Sep 28              ???
MarqueGlisson     ???                   Sep 28              ???
UAV Man           Heliguy               Sep 28              ???
zeenon            Carolina Dronz        Sep 28              ???
Ryan McAllister   Best Buy              Sep 29              ???
rigor             DJI                   Sep 29              ???
cheebs            DJI                   Sep 29              ???
Shacky            DJI                   Sep 29              ???
BruteForce65      DJI                   Sep 29              ???
drichardjackson   DJI                   Sep 29              ???
OneSunnyDay       DJI (UK)              Sep 29              ???
gregw             DJI (HK)              Sep 29              ???
Greenenvey        Koozam                Sep 29              ???
stealle           Amazon (Amazon)       Sep 29              ???
stilgar99         BHPhoto               Sep 29              ???
spazzbecker       BHPhoto               Sep 29              ???
Yeager74          DJI (HK)              Sep 29              ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
Jackie Leung      DJI (HK)              Sep 29              ???
azpilot61         ???                   Sep 29              ???
Danny-B-          DJI                   Sep 30              ???
GMG               DJI                   Sep 30              ???
captainserial     DJI                   Sep 30              ???
Shawnlde          DJI                   Sep 30              ???
phaeton           DJI                   Sep 30              ???
Chuck Moloney     Amazon (DJI)          Sep 30              ???
kykayak           Drone Nerds           Oct 1               ???
Brian Hutcheson   DJI                   Oct 1               ???
Dukatu            DJI                   Oct 1               ???
arubadave         DJI                   Oct 1               ???
Fabrice Trouvé    DJI                   Oct 1               ???
capnzoog          DJI                   Oct 1               ???
Fastrack          DJI                   Oct 1               ???
incogneito        Newegg (DJI)          Oct 1               ???
Palliz            Yitamotor             Oct 1               ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
iker42            DJI                   Oct 2               ???
rexilla           Apple Store           Oct 2               ???           BHPhoto               Oct 2               ???           ExpertDrones          Oct 2               ???
scorpio  (Slovakia)  Oct 2               ???
Nanosauromo       DJI                   Oct 3               ???
Mullens87         DJI                   Oct 3               ???
907wasp           Amazon (Hobbiesmedia) Oct 3               ???
stefan350         CarolinaDronz         Oct 3               ???
btollenaar        Amazon (EZ Elec)      Oct 3               ???
int3grate         Amazon (EZ Elec)      Oct 3               ???
Anthony Viscomi   Amazon (?)            Oct 3               ???
AliAs             DJI                   Oct 4               ???
LameDuck          DJI                   Oct 4               ???
Dacuda            DJI                   Oct 4               ???
Coltagious        DJI                   Oct 4               ???
Mike              Apple                 Oct 4               ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
gtyler5           Skyboss Drones        Oct 5               ???
Leenanj           Amazon (EZ Elec)      Oct 5               ???
A_Chemist         DJI                   Oct 5               ???
Eloute            DJI                   Oct 5               ???
GriffDawg         DJI                   Oct 5               ???
eocean            Studiosport           Oct 5               ???
Stoph787          Best Buy              Oct 5               ???
F6Rider           ???                   Oct 5               ???
Todd              Newegg                Oct 6               ???
Dirty Bird        DJI                   Oct 7               ???
Arcticflightman         Oct 7               ???
gckless           BHPhoto               Oct 7               ???
Scott             Helidirect            Oct 7               ???
lee               Heliguy (UK)          Oct 7               ???
dontic            DJI                   Oct 8               ???
misticjeff        BHPhoto               Oct 8               ???
Damon Ryan        DJI                   Oct 9               ???
    Who          Where Ordered        When Ordered     Shipped Out
Moscowice         DJI                   Oct 9               ???
TheeGiorgio       Crutchfield           Oct 9               ???
Barmik            DJI                   Oct 10              ???
Ohary             Massdrop              Oct 11              ???
Pablo1981         DJI                   Oct 11              ???
AliAs             Best Buy              Oct 13              ???
BDOG              Golf Tech             Oct 13              ???
lee               UKDroneStore          Oct 16              ???
Dates are in PDT.

I am only including the time of those ordered on launch day.

Don't forget to get back to this thread to post your shipment date as soon as it is available.

DJI direct 2016-09-27 20:03:16 (UTC)
I think that is 1303 pst
Guys this is from another thread, just 25 minutes ago. Do you think this is legit?

EDIT: as stated by other users, this is NOT legit. Too much trolling this days...

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don't you think DJI would post the official manual online prior to shipping any consumer units ?
once thats released then i would assume shipping will begin

i ordered DJI direct paid in full 9/29 status pending hang in there it will come i am sure we have plenty of other toys to play with in the meantime :)
I was told today by DJI that 1st round is first two days of ordering Sept 27th-28th (not 2 hours) which makes more sense.

I ordered Sept 27th 3:45 PM from DJI
What time were preorders first processed?

Well the announcement event started on Sept 27 at 8:30 PST and it ended about an hour later, so likely the pre-order began either 8:30 or 9:30 PST September 27.

I ordered a Mavic Pro Flymore combo from B&H on Sept 27 at 11:57AM.

Hopefully I'm in their first batch of shipments out...

(actually also ordered from amazon at around the same time, so I'll just cancel whichever order doesn't ship first)
Anyone order from apple? I tried cancelling with them and they said it's preparing for shipping but I told them it's not shipping out till November ... they tell me they can't do anything on their end and to return it after I receive .... my order online stills shows processing on my end but the cancel button results in a error ... this release is such a mess everywhere
I called DJI today. The representative I first spoke to was very nice, but didn't have any information. So I asked to speak to a supervisor. After waiting a long time, I spoke with someone who was very direct and honest with me. He said he was based out of CA, and that he was going to tell me everything that he honestly knew. It felt like a huge relief, after speaking with so many representatives who continue to recite the same messages repeatedly. He said that he'd quickly check for any updates that he may have before answering my questions.

He told me very directly that he wasn't going to say anything that he couldn't guarantee. He was very blunt and honest with me about the situation. He said something like, "I feel like I've been walking on egg shells all week talking to people, because we know very few details and I'm trying not to promise what I just don't know. I can't wait to get my hands on my own Mavic, so I totally understand." Again, his honesty was a huge relief, because he was very down to earth about the whole thing. He told me that, because my order was placed on the first day, then there is a very high, very probably chance that my order "will ship within October," and that it is "forecasted to ship very close to the middle of October." He chose his words very carefully, and he told me that he was choosing his words carefully. When I asked about the possibility of shipping this week, he started and then hesitated to confirm anything.

He told me that no Mavics have shipped yet, and that absolutely no solid dates are known or have ever been given. I got a very strong impression that he wasn't just some ordinary customer service rep, just based on how he talked to me and how confident and straightforward he was--definitely not your typical CS rep.

I just wanted to share all of the detail I could, because it was nice to feel like someone at DJI was actually willing to be honest and straightforward.

If I were to add my own guess and read between the lines, based just on how he acted, I would say that the initial orders will probably begin shipping toward the end of this week, or maybe early next week. He confidently declared "this month," and I could tell he really wanted to say something along the lines of "just wait a few more days." But this is just my own interpretation, which just makes all of this more hearsay.
From Rise Above Custom Drone Solutions in Australia

"DJI have emailed us over night advising that the Mavic and all accessories have been delayed globally and they have not provided any ETA to any dealer globally."

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