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Question about a battery setting


Apr 24, 2017
Central Ohio - USA
First off, let me apologize for asking this if it has been asked before but I cannot seem to find any info on it and I have been looking for days. I thought I read somewhere that you can set the batteries to discharge quickly down to a certain level in an effort to improve the overall life (not flight time) of the batteries when stored. I do not know what the setting is called nor where I change it. I'm (so far) an infrequent flier and want to get the most life out of my batteries. I have three batteries and I have labeled them 1, 2, 3 so that I am rotating them. The last portion of my question is - if there truly is a setting somewhere, once I change it, what do I have to do to get each battery to 'take' the new setting? Thanks so much for your help in advance.

In DJI GO 4 App, there is a battery section. There is a field labeled "Battery Discharge Time" or something like that. You can change it from 2 - 10 days, I believe. You will have to set this while the mavic is plugged in and with the specific battery in the mavic at that time. You can change this setting separately on each battery, I believe, so I think this setting is stored in the battery itself.

This is the amount of time before the battery will begin to automatically slowly discharge itself. Maybe someone else knows exactly how quickly it discharges or if it stop discharging once it reaches a certain level. This can be used to help prevent you from storing a fully charged battery for a long period of time, which is not good for the battery. Adjust the # of days to work well with how many batteries you use and how often you fly.
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That setting must be set for each battery since the setting is stored on the battery. Once the battery starts to discharge, it'll take about 3 additional days to discharge the battery down to the storage level when it's fully charged.
MSinger, just out of curiosity, what IS the recommended battery "storage level"? I'm assuming it's a certain % of the full charge capacity - and if so, what would be the closest equivalent number of flashing lights on the top that would represent this level?
DJI recommends storage Mavic batteries between 40% - 65%. See this post for more details.
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I have a Mavic Air. Please could someone tell me why there are pictures of three batteries in my settings, all with different voltages and what do these voltages mean? They say 3.84v, 3.83v and 3.82v. Then after that it says 11.48v.
Please could someone tell me why there are pictures of three batteries in my settings, all with different voltages and what do these voltages mean? They say 3.84v, 3.83v and 3.82v. Then after that it says 11.48v.
Those three pictures represent the three cells in the battery. That allows you to see the voltage of each cell (which is important since a specific cell could become damaged). The total voltage of the battery is 11.48v.
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