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Questions; Epson SoAR


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2018
Hi All,

Just tried SoAR for the 1st time with my BT-300 and have several questions.

1. I was not able to switch from metric to imperial. Always showed metric readings even though I selected imperial.
2. There does not appear to be any audio warnings or ques.
3. I am running an older version of Moverio firmware. Do I need to upgrade?
4. I was using my Mavic Pro. Will this app work with the Spark

I like most of the features especially "Birds Eye View"

yes but with the storms we are having at the moment there is not much flying going on here [UK] since the last software release. So I can't answer your questions off the top of my head.

But maybe you need to set the android setting to a location with Imperial? (Just a guess) - I use metric so I'm fine as is :)

And you should update the firmware on the android on the moverio.

But maybe continue your questions in the DroneSoar thread?
I have used the Soar App and it seems Ok. Being in UK I mostly work with metric anyway. Strange as it is a US device that it would be set to metric. There is no provision to change from NTSC (US) to PAL (UK) standard so it might be the same for metric. Sadly at the moment I cannot get the camera to pan with my head movemnts. When I make a move with my head the camera just tilts straight down. It is probably me so I will keep working on it.
After updating SoAR to the latest revision I was able to switch from metric to imperial for distance and altitude but the collision avoidance indicator remained in meters.
I could not get the head tracking to work either
I never found the "find my drone" feature
My main concern is I get a GPS warning when using SoAR but no GPS warning when switching back to DJI GO.
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I can so most emphatically that it does work with the M2 zoom. There is the latest update to it and it is probably a case of making sure you have the latest version. It is a little bit complex but no too much. There is lots of guidance over this forum. But just to confirm it does work so you are going up a blind alley.
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Video of a member utilizing head tracking with their moverios and Maviv zoom.
After updating SoAR to the latest revision I was able to switch from metric to imperial for distance and altitude but the collision avoidance indicator remained in meters.
I could not get the head tracking to work either
I never found the "find my drone" feature
My main concern is I get a GPS warning when using SoAR but no GPS warning when switching back to DJI GO.

Ditto except the GPS warning issue.
Does anyone know how to turn on the feature which shows an arrow in the glasses which points to the drone in Epson Soar/Moverio BT-300/M2Z? All else seems to work fine for me. Many thanks!
Could only find 1 video on YouTube sampling the head movements of SOAR app. Video was very jerky & not smooth at all. Has anyone been able to solve this? Also, has anyone been able to use the FIND MY DRONE (while flying) function successfully & does it work for far distances?
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